Energy ministers from the European Union have convened for an emergency meeting in Brussels to discuss a range of proposed measures, as prices skyrocket ahead of the looming winter season.

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    1. It's about time for you to stop gas and oil emmidietely! As the global temperature getting high! There is no more time to recover the Earth carbon pollution! You must need to use clean ang green energy! You are rich country it's better for you to visit other country and have your vacation this winter you come to the South East Asia which is still having a soothing temperature! Then come back to Europe in summer time and build your green energy!

    2. You need Russian gas & oil and you want to put a price cap?
      In the first place, would Russia be willing to follow your demand? The sanctions boomeranged are of your doing and you blame Russia for that?
      How stupid the leaders of the EU and UK are. Their arrogance only surpassed by their ignorance

    3. Riina Sikkut Estonia energy minister is dragging her people to death! she is the true enemy of Russia. if Putin stop exporting grains to Estonia, i am sure she cries for help.

    4. I don’t see any problem here.
      Eu only wants to pay their price for Russian gas.
      Russia demands their price which is higher.
      So, no deal, no payment, no gas. What’s the problem?

    5. Ursula von der Leyen is the one who instigates Ukraine war to receive commission from ban on Russia natural gas and crude oil . EU is the real idiot to listen to US. Good luck to EU.

    6. Putin is making the West take its own medicine. Good for them, maybe they will recover from their stupor. Characterless and corrupt and stupidity combined is a bad combination. But then again people like von der Leyen, Baerbock, Habeck, and Scholz are beyond saving. Their stupidity is boundless, they are traitors, throwing their nation under the bus to serve Biden's war.

    7. So exhilarating the EU drama day by day and the clown artists in the news media. Estonia's population 1.33M (2020), and my country's medium size town has more than this population. So she wants to cap the oil price, already Latvia kneeling to Putin and now they are getting the gas beginning from September-2022, after the one-month blackout. So Latvia crawls out of the EU meeting on the price cap on Russian energy. Best of Luck Ursula von der LIAR and Well done to everyone in the world. She will bring the European Union to Dust and Done, already many of the major industries are closing. Many things are going to happen in the next two years' timeline. Closing the industries, high price of commodities, and immigrants problems (housing, food, medical, etc). less production on agriculture produce, ………. See you in the great Xmas in cold Winter-2022.

    8. The Enchantress
      A flotilla of enchanting bots that has the powers to mesmerise and captivate you with their magical spells. This group of sorceresses make waves wherever they are. They are capable of rocking someone off their chair just through their tall stories, anecdotes, and all that are fascinating but fictional tales for the entertainment of everyone.
      Notable aliases:
      ▪︎ 'Arabic Ayad'
      ▪︎ 'Ahmet Tekin'
      ▪︎ 'Arabic Aziz' 'Arabic Adel'
      ▪︎ 'Arabic Reja'
      ▪︎ 'Beijing Genocide Olympic – 2022'
      ▪︎ 'Last Chang'
      ▪︎ 'Pub Comrad'
      ▪︎ 'Tao Wang'
      ▪︎ 'Yang Zhao'
      ▪︎ 'LOL 😆'
      ▪︎ 'Winsdapu 😇'
      ▪︎ 'Huo yeh' aka 'Gary Shephard'

      "Sticks and stones will break my computer, but words can never hurt me🇮🇳 Jai Hind✊🏾"

    9. The Russian east front is breaking together at several spots. Russian soldiers steal private cars to flee. Rumours are that some officials in the Kremlin demand openly Putin's dismissal.

    10. Europe created this mess. It's the EU bureaucrats who decided to sanction Russia, their biggest and the world's largest energy exporter.

      Sanctioning Russian gas makes little difference to Russia as oil is where Russia makes most of its money. But for Europe, gas prices are up 20 times because of sanctions and because LNG gas is much more expensive than Russian pipeline Natural gas.

    11. a bunch of useless world leaders behaving like kids. such a stupid ideals. even my kids know better. try go into a applestore and insist paying 1500 for a 2500 apple handphone. dumb…

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