Crypto enthusiast panicked after the recent market crash
    Even though most investors are aware of the volatility of the crypto market,
    The market saw losses of trillions
    For instance, Bitcoin (BTC) dropped nearly 70% from its all-time high and the Terra ecosystem collapsed
    And the scariest thing of all is that these two cryptocurrencies are known to make investors a lot of profit.
    Although it might be overwhelming to watch successful tokens suffer from the volatility of the market,
    all you have to do to keep your investments safe is to make sure you invest in the right tokens.
    One way to do that is diversifying your portfolio
    Here are three cryptos I would suggest you to buy to diversity your portfolio!
    Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), andQuilvius (QVIU)
    Now let’s get into details why?
    Multi-Billionaire Elon Musk Advocates For Dogecoin (DOGE)
    Dogecoin (DOGE) entered the market in 2013 and its native currency has since grown into the money-making token it is today.
    DOGE is the peer-to-peer (P2P) open-source and governance token of the Dogecoin Network.
    As a community-driven currency, Dogecoin is able to provide investors with access to a variety of exclusive features of the ecosystem.
    Initially, the token was branded as a “fun” version of crypto giant Bitcoin as its design included the image of Japanese dog Shibu Inu.
    That’s why DOGE has gone viral on social media and benefited from the popularity of memes.
    You can now buy Dogecoin for cheaper due to the price value decrease that most cryptos have been experiencing.
    Experts predict that DOGE will rise in value as Elon Musk stated that he will keep supporting Dogecoin.
    Now let’s talk about the Dogecoin killer
    Shiba-Inu is another dog inspired coin
    SHIB token outperformed the 3100% price value surge of Dogecoin by managing a growth rate of 49,000,000%
    This meme coin is still one of the highest profitable tokens in the market
    the Shiba Inu Foundation provides a variety of assets for its community members
    One example is a very anticipated DeFi project.
    With this project, token holders can access more efficient decentralised exchanges (DEXs) in the ShibaSwap which is a DeFi and NFT space.
    And thirdly – i wanna talk about a new project that just joined the cryptosphere
    Quilvius (QVIU)
    Quilvius (QVIU) is a non-profit crypto ecosystem that strives for decentralised educational resources.
    The project is described as ‘the First Winning CultureProject of the Metaverse Universe’
    It provides knowledge and cultural services.
    Within the platform, community members can make a profit from learning, creating,engaging as well as story-telling.
    In this metaverse project, authors can sell their own works to make passive income.
    We believe these three coins are very promising and you should consider
    but please read the white papers yourself before making any investment.
    I hope you liked this video, for more videos like this please push the bell and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!

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    Information given on this channel is written for informational purpose only. Conduct your own research by contacting financial experts before making any investment decisions.

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