1. NMT has just finalized their pilot plant. Doesn't mean it's a great stock but it looks to have great potential. I'm certainly no finance guru but that's why I'm happy to hold on. You can find all the details in the ASX announcements

    2. Great video. I started watching your video last your beginner before given stock market a trial.I was able to make $17,600 with a capital of $4”4,000 trading with a experience expert who guided me through out my trading

    3. Hi Dale and Janine, great show. Would like to get your view on NVX. This battery tech is currently overheated. How far the rally can go on future growth promise? The stock is overvalued on current earnings. It had a dip on early October and since then rallied to all time high. Wondering should I buy some more or sell to take some profit.

    4. What are your thoughts on REITs in general. I no longer have any, but am looking to go back into them, can you look at CIP or any other REIT as an example

    5. Hello Dale. Can I please get your thoughts on AMP. My understanding with my limited experience is that it may start a steady climb if it manages to break through its current resistance @ $1.20. Overall AMP has been trimming the fat over the past few years and is consolidating its business. I do own this stock since May this year and its been see sawing + / – 10% on my buying price of $1.09. Your expert opinion highly appreciated.

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