Can Gold Really Protect You During An Economic Collapse?
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    1. I dare say there should be a boycott of the Ramsey machine. He’s attempting to lead so many astray. Fiat paper doesn’t get purified in the fire. Time will tell if numbers on a ledger constitute real wealth.

    2. One day Dave is gonna wake up and "He is going to own nothing and he will be Happy"……😳😁
      Everything surrounding the dollar is connected to something else (3rd party risk).All those Hundred of Millions could go down with the system, so they could restart ("Reset") their new system , where you're gonna be poor and happy eating bugs daily because of global warming and overpopulated excuse…😮😭🤣

    3. The difference between the past and present,, 31 trillion in debt and cost of everything is just going up. The house of cards will fall.

    4. Dave claims to be a Christian, yet at the beginning of every radio show he proclaims "Cash is King!" . Read the back of a US dollar, 'Novus ordo seclorum', latin for 'A new order of the ages', or as Bush the 1st would say, "A new world order". The eye at the top of the pyramid is the eye of lucifer. When Dave says "Cash is King!', you now know who he really thinks is king.

    5. Dave says: "turn off the news, you're just repeating worry-mongering talking points" Dave then says "gas prices are all Bidens fault!" completely ignoring the effect of a global pandemic on a travel and transportation related commodity. I guess no one is perfect

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