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    Ergo Address: 9fCyhudURbDSA2qi9k3sh1LgbHwyFwT6fck7wQW2YYWk9xR1miN
    ETH Address: 0x8446b70aA05c811d7bF590e6EDE3d90C00391FcE
    ETC Address: 0x8446b70aA05c811d7bF590e6EDE3d90C00391FcE
    ZIL Address: zil135ajqdgf9mj6r50e8t28p98xvsss8ay7cppyx5

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    1. Hey SOAT, can you start making a bunch of videos on cleaning, re-padding, or just day-to-day videos? we would love to see those types of videos.
      peace ♥ ♥

    2. See Fu$$'in karen on twitter saying poor us Fu$$ that we got it bad. i sold maybe like 2 cards max and gave 2 away in PC's for family this summer. I still have 6 of most efficent cards All on $neoxa , but DAM bro we all in the same boat, we all knew it was gonna be bad , but not this bad. jesus. we should have voiced our opinion more

    3. It also got silent and cool over my place. Thanks for sharing your situation. This way, nobody in the community has to go through it alone. 👍

    4. Lmfaoooo background of videos when eth mining was still a thing was a beautiful LED lit modern condo…now the back drop is just like every other gamers dirty ass bedroom including the roll of jizz catcher on the desk…😂😂 for all those depression wacks….

      Yup i’m feeling it too breh 😢😅

    5. I feel sorry for miners who get shafted by the power price increases, if only people would use less power so the prices would go down. 😂😂😂

    6. Triple the energy costs, is that for all high energy users or discrimination of miners ? Many industries use a lot of power so they can't play games, its not legal. The lower class Green Unicorn buffoons spew with that screech and bloody murder nonsense pretending the planet is on fire. Pollution is a problem better addressed honestly and not by lying liberal liars. They all act like children for ETH yet the ETH foundation falsely claims a 98% energy reduction because they buy energy credits and pretend farming out resources to Amazon AWS and others means low energy consumption because they buy carbon credits too. Plastic people are plastic for a reason.

    7. If you could get to a place that's your own garage/warehouse running off solar power, you're overheads would be nothing. I know that's easier said than done but it's got to be the way forward.

    8. A lot of folks feeling sorry for you. No reason for that . You made the choices and committed to an unsure market , You now get to reap the benefits of those actions. It may recover , it may not . I hope you broke even given the crazy profit margins from starting out until now. It has been educational and I'm sure you will have more perspectives .

    9. I'm not a miner myself, but I've followed you for a year or two and I've enjoyed your channel. It makes me sad that you have to shut/cut down your mining. I hope you will keep uploading your other crypto related stuff despite the bear market.

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