Gas storage facilities in Germany are more than 90% full, according to data released by the Aggregated Gas Storage Inventory (AGSI), a European energy data platform. The German government has planned for 95% of storage capacity to be filled by November. The storage is seen as essential for Germany to get through winter without Russian gas imports. “If everything goes well, savings in Germany are high and if we have a bit of luck with the weather, we will have a chance at getting through the winter comfortably,” Economy Minister Robert Habeck said on Monday. “That means, however, that the storage facilities will be empty again at the end of the winter — in this case really empty, because we are going to use the gas,” he added.

    Germany seeks alternative gas sources
    Russia had supplied about 40% of the European Union’s gas before its February invasion of Ukraine. In early September, Russian energy giant Gazprom said gas supplies to Western Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline had stopped entirely, claiming equipment issues. The German government has accused Moscow of “weaponizing” gas deliveries in response to Berlin’s support of Ukraine and EU sanctions.

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was expected to sign contracts for liquefied natural gas (LNG) during his visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Economic Affairs and Climate Action Minister Robert Habeck said on Monday. “The gas offering is slowly broadening,” he said. Habeck was touring Lubmin, where the construction of one of Germany’s new liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals was set to start. The construction is part of a plan to stop the country’s dependency on Russian fossil fuels in the wake of the war in Ukraine. “We must show that, in times like these, we can plan, authorize and build faster than is usually the case in Germany,” Habeck said of the construction drive. Scholz will visit Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at the weekend, and Germany’s energy needs are high on the agenda.


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    1. Well, Well. Was not the time to commence construction of a pipeline to reticulate gas on 25 February? Pretty dynamic Government that waits seven months to commence the obvious ! Bright bunch !

    2. Germany has someone from the green party IN POWER and not a single word about windmills or solar power. DW Just put up a documentary on a German town that became self sufficient this way… why not get started on the rest of Germany!? We Humans do not deserve this planet.

    3. We could sign 25 years contracts, phase out gas in the mean time, resell the LNG as is on the market if we no longer need it. That worked with pipeline gas, too, didn't it? I think there are worse things than having a surplus of energy, right 🙂

    4. The Netherlands has a large LNG terminal in Rotterdam that could handle some of the LNG imports over the Rhine river and the Netherlads in the last 6 months build a temporary LNG terminal in Eemshaven close to Germany. As the Netherlands will likely need less gas every year from now on capacity will become available.

    5. Hey hey hey hey hey, let's not forget the most important thing here. NATO was expanded to keep the Soviet Union at bay. That's all that matters. Who cares if a few Jerries freeze this winter.

    6. "Thank you" is a great fairy tale to boost the self-esteem of people who don't understand anything about it. In fact, everything is sad, and it is simply not necessary to count on a miracle👌I've always been waiting for summer, but this year I'm waiting for winter in Europe and preferably with Siberian frosts. Although -25 is enough for a European to turn into a collapse .😏

    7. it was extremely dumb of Germany to solely rely on russia as its energy source. they could have held them hostage if they were not the biggest economy of Europe. it's time to diversify the energy and preferably move towards nuclear, solar and wind

    8. It is useless to have alternative sources of gas and oil if they have to be paid for at a much higher price than Russian oil and gas. In the long run, the German economy will be heavily hit by significantly higher production costs and exports will no longer be as competitive on the international market as they were before.

    9. Yes LNG… Yes let's buy from USA because USA is the biggest LNG producer. It's not like depending on USA's LNG will make Germany a slave to USA. LNG won't be use by USA as weapon to control Germany.

    10. How much tech and machinery and energy and danger is involved in decompressing liquified gas?
      Answer: How much effort to deflate a balloon?!!! As opposed to inflating it.

    11. everyone is acting like woolly jumpers dont exist, an energy crisis is not a death sentence.
      people need to learn that they dont need to heat their homes, but instead heat the occupants.
      its very rare that i will ever turn on a heater because i dress cozy for the winter,
      too many people have gotten used to walking around their heated homes in shorts and tshirts…

    12. Putin thought European countries will beg him for gas and in return will ask them to withdraw their support in Ukraine clearly this guy is not on his right mind he basically terminated his last remaining cash flow s*****d.

    13. All sounds great! But you forgot to tell to our German fellow at what price you will pay GNL! 20% 30% maybe 40% more expensive? And what about industrial competitiveness? How much will cost electricity in the next 5 years?

    14. Iskreno, ne vidim kako Rusija ucjenjuje Europu plinom. Ako sjeverni tok 1 ne radi, postoji potok 2, koji Nijemci ne žele pustiti. Čujem i čitam da bi Njemačka trebala postati neovisna o ruskom plinu, u redu, ali sve ostale opcije su preskupe i treba vremena da se provedu. kada je to slučaj, zašto njemačka vlada dopušta da gospodarstvo i njemački narod pate? stanar neće napustiti stan prije nego što pronađe adekvatniji stan. ali Njemačka je učinila upravo suprotno, ne želi plin iz Rusije, a alternativa je skupa i neizvjesna.

    15. LNG is 50% to 70% expensive than Natural gas. .In long term the products and everything is going to to expensive .Germany is hitting on it foot by buying expensive Gas

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