An investigation is underway into three unexplained leaks affecting both Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, which bring natural gas from Russia to Europe by way of the Baltic Sea.

    Neither pipeline was pumping gas at the time of the leaks. Nord Stream 1 stopped pumping gas to Europe earlier this month after Russia said sanctions prevented it from carrying out vital maintenance work. The newer Nord Stream 2 has never officially opened due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that initial reports indicated sabotage but that has not been confirmed. Meanwhile, Johannes Peters, head of the Centre for Maritime Strategy and Security at Kiel University, said Russia is the only actor in the Baltic region with the capability of carrying out the type of sabotage that is suspected.

    “There is only one state actor in the Baltic that is… where the possibility, the capabilities and the motivation come together. And that is obviously Russia,” Peters said.

    According to the Danish Energy Authority, the leak is expected to continue for at least several days.

    For more info, please go to

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    1. if ruzzia wants to destroy its own assets (yes I know it was funded with EU money), let's not stop them, at least now we are free from their blackmail, I'd say that's good news…and with a bit of effort we can even invoke article 5 (but I doubt it unfortunately)…

    2. This was done to Drive up gas prices in Europe this winter. It is as to compound the already soaring prices of energy as Putin wants to hurt Europe as much as possible this winter. There are claims this was done by the US, backed up by a sound bite from US president Biden. However that sound bite was from MONTHS AGO and was about halting Nordstream 2 which has already been done. Any use of this soundbite is a means of disinformation and is taken out of context, something that will not be checked by the casual news watcher. Im lying this out here to combat the misinformation and disinformation already been pumped up in this comment section.

    3. Blame Baden and Zelenskiy. They both had a reason to do that.
      Biden – to bring expensive US gas to Europe.
      Zelensky – to get gas transferred through Ukraine using a different pipeline.

    4. This is our media .. obviously this attack was done by the us and see how they drive the narrative to blame russia: Remember that on February 7, 2022, President Biden said, "If Russia invades … there will be no more Nord Stream 2. We're going to put an end to that." Reporter: "But how exactly are you going to do that, given that … the project is under German control?" Biden: "I promise you that we will be able to do that. Are you familiar with the RAND Cooperation paper Containment of Germany for the United States and the world?"
      The amphibious assault ship "USS Kearsarge," accompanied by the landing ships "USS Arlington" and "USS Gunston Hall," was heading west Wednesday morning. Previously, the ships were part of U.S. units participating in NATO maneuvers, calling at numerous ports in Germany, Scandinavia and the Baltic States. The attack on the Nord Stream pipelines took place a little later! You seriously think of the Russians when a NATO maneuver has just been carried out and some ships are still around?

    5. Only a braindead fool or a deliberate liar can say it was Russia. Not only Russia has countrol over the pipe and could easily switch it off, not only did she invest billions in the construction — it was her main bargaining tool!
      It's clear as day, that the USA – united states of terrorism – has done this!

    6. I see you have a hard time blaming this one on Russia, but no worry most of the audience here in the West are morons anyway and believe whatever you feed them

    7. Only a fool would believe that! European oligarchs have not wanted the people to have access to gas since they put sanctions on Russia. Why would Russia destroy infrastructure that delivers their gas to Europe when all they have to do is turn off the valve? And isn’t it strange that as soon as Russia and Germany recently started negotiations that the pipeline would be destroyed? That pipeline was a negotiation tool for Russia, why would Russia destroy it? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Russia didn’t do this. Biden, yes, Russia, no. Didn’t Biden say he would not allow gas to flow to Europe? Typical media anti-Russia propaganda from the media. Pretty soon no one will believe them.

    8. Who would benefit from this? Russia that has nothing to gain or America who wants to ship LNG into massive European markets? America needs to be very careful at this point because America might end up being turned into molten glass.

    9. Biden sh**s his pants – blame the Russians. The only country that benefits from this is the good old US of A. Biden has frozen blood on his hands this winter. Biden threatened to stop it recently as well.

    10. Would this be the same Nord Stream Pipeline that Traitor Joe threatened to Destroy Recently, bragging we had the “Ways to do so”?

      Why would Russia Destroy their Own Pipeline??? All they had to do was Turn it Off, which was done

      Why would Germany Destroy a Pipeline which they still have needed at some point, post conflict?

      Very unlikely Ukraine has the Ability to Destroy the Pipeline considering it a 4’ concrete encased steel pipe, located in 350’-400’ on water. No, probably not a Diver Swimming by with a Pocketful of Explosives

      So, why Benefits from this Destruction and Potential Chaos?? Who is Pushing for WW3?? Who has the Technology to Destroy the Pipeline??

      Oh wait, Yes, The Traitor Joe Regime checks All these Boxes

    11. Probably the US government did it. To blame someone else to start more drama. Can't even trust our own North governments as they are all corrupt now!!

    12. What a ridiculous reporting. Russian sabotage? please stop the propaganda they can close the tap if they wanted this was clearly someone else. You people are loosing any semblance of integrity with this one sided childish reporting.

    13. Biden is quoted twice in the past 6 months, threatening to destroy NS2 if Russia and Ukraine came to blows – just like we int he west wanted. We have now attacked Russian infrastructure and destroyed any European hopes of energy in the future. Good to be our allies, eh Europe?

    14. Listen to these lies. Russia has been selling energy to Europe throughout the conflict and has offered to continue. The US and EU sanctions did all this. Cui Buono? The US bombed it and everyone knows it. Biden has said so on air. Just check out Biden saying so on 2 occasions these past 7 months. Buckle up everyone. All you Biden voters may have doomed the western hemisphere for decades to come. Millions may now die. Good luck Europe – you will need it! So will America. Our weapons are neither as good, accurate, or new as Russia's hypersonic systems. Further, Russia has the greatest air defenses in the world. We have the Patriot that can't even stop drones hitting Saudi Arabia from Yemen. Our state department, filled with neocon psychopaths, is 100% responsible for this unfolding catastrophe. I pray there is still some sanity in the Pentagon, yet I doubt it. We sure could use some 'white rage' about now to end this without further death and destruction today, and for our children tomorrow.

    15. Germany has a business faction that favors Russia in the Ukraine Russia war because it wants resumption of trade in gas with Russia.

      They will suffer significant financial losses as the war continues and gas supplies from Russia are cut / not resumed.

      They are currently bringing pressure on the German government to abandon support for Ukraine.

      This is evident as it is resulting in delays to Germany's delivery of critical types of armaments to Ukraine.

      If this group succeeds in Germany then German purchases of Russian gas will resume and Europe's support for Ukraine, and all the former soviet republics now joined in NATO and the EU, will be critically weakened.

      Russia will then recover financially, and consolidate its current gains in Ukraine.

      Its next move will be complete conquest of Ukraine and attacks on other countries that Pute still considers part of Russia.

      So to prevent this change of course by Germany, and the collapse of NATO / EU support for Ukraine and the rest of the former Soviet Union countries, a party external to Germany, with a strong interest in the defeat of Russia, has taken the action to make the pipelines on which Germany depends, permanently unavailable.

      This removes the option for Germany, as the result of internal political pressures, ever to resume purchase of gas supplies from Russia.

      So this is clearly an attack primarily against Russia, to counter its political manipulation of Germany's government via pro Russian, business factions.

      It would now be politically unacceptable for Russia and Germany to repair the damage to the pipelines as this would demonstrate their intended conspiracy.

      So this is not a Russian action as they have now lost the opportunity to dangle the carrot, of resumed trade in cheap Russian gas, in front of the German business factions betraying NATO.

      However Russia may now, out of typically Russian spite, begin damaging other pipelines in the North Sea operated by other NATO allies.

      I suspect the culprits of the Nord Stream 1 & 2 pipeline damage were more likely one or several of the states around the Baltic Sea or even NATO itself.

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