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    ⚠️⚠️⚠️#putin #nukes #nuclear ⚠️⚠️⚠️

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    1. Climate? Seriously this is so childish. Putin's major aim is to split Europe away from the US, and bring an end to the US hegemony. That is the game. The pipelines are a tool for that. Winter comes -> Europe freezes -> hopefully a couple governments collapse -> makes a deal with Russia behind US's back. This is it. This is the reason of "we will bring an end to it".

    2. What a stupid response to Tucker Carlson! Russia is never going to say never, because Germany may buy gas from you again in the future. Blowing it up is saying never!

    3. "it raises the suspicion that it was the EU" – What? Does it sound convincing that the EU is likely to be involved in a terror attack because it happened in EU territory? This is utter nonsense. Especially considering the contemporary EU mind set. The EU would never do something like this, not in cooperation with the USA to oppose Russia, certainly not to sabotage a member state.

      9/11 happened in New York. That raises the suspicion that New Yorkers are responsible?

      The USA would be prime subject for me if it had anything to gain from the attack. That is because we know from experience that the USA acts recklessly if they stand something to gain. The EU is utterly dependent on the USA in terms of military, especially these days, so they could not react strongly to such an attack. But then I really don't see what the USA had to gain from such an attack, considering that the EU already and quite definitely excluded Russia as energy supplier in the foreseeable future.

      It makes no sense that Russia did it, but it doesn't have to make sense. The war in Ukraine also doesn't make any sense, but it is undeniably happening.

    4. As for Ukraine as suspect: I do not believe that the Ukraine would be permitted to roam around in the Baltic see. They are not NATO or EU members. If they would be seen in the Baltic see, they would most likely be send home for fear of military operations against Russia which are certainly not welcome in the Baltic see. Also, Ukraine made no attempts to attack Russia on Russian soil, and there are very good reasons for that. Ukraine has to fear discovery, if they would be caught bombing EU infrastructure. that would certainly have consequences that Ukraine cannot risk in their precarious situation.

      Also, does Ukraine have a marine or the means to perform such an attack? Where are these means? Do they not have to pass the Russian forces to get to the Baltic see in first place?

      Also, Ukraine has absolutely nothing to gain. The pipelines are not operative. The Ukraine has better targets if they wanted to damage Russia and have spare capacities.

    5. "What about nukes" – "then China gets involved" – Did we not all grow up with the concept that a nuclear war is not going to happen because of mutually assured destruction?

      Putin did itself a huge disservice. We all thought Russia is strong. I don't think anybody anticipated that Ukraine had any realistic chance to withstand Russia. The question is, does Russia have the capability to deliver destruction to the USA? If yes, then I strongly doubt that the USA will respond decisively to the use of tactical nukes in Ukraine. If no, I am surprised that the USA did not already start a nuclear war. But why would Russia use nukes in Ukraine? If it doesn't have to serve a purpose, then I guess the mutually assured destruction bluff will be called soon.

    6. The US is not stupid, they knew that the EU would cave this winter due to the protests and lift sanctions. The US can't have that, they invested too much into that proxy war with Russia.

    7. As good as u are with real estate n wall street and (economics in general) u kinda stink at politic analysis. It was the US so deal with it. How do I know easy… gulf of Tonkin, USS liberty, operation Northwoods, weapons of mass destruction (iraq), Assad using chemical weapons against his own people, 2014 the party of democracy under Obama,hitlery and nuland over thru the government in ukraine,, 4 years of Russia Russia Russia. Seriously Cali is turning ur mind into mush.

    8. Follow the money…. who will benefit the most from that sabotage?
      Who had massive issues with the completion of that pipeline way before the invasion?
      Who threatened with sanctions way before the invasion of Ukraine?
      Who has business ties to Ukraine?
      Any certain nation that is known for false flag operations in it's past?

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