Maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine – Security Council, 9144th meeting.


    1. If you see a new Lewis,don't be shocked,I'm leaving people to find someone else to pick on,no more outbursts,wich they always wanted,no more torture writings on YouTube,if a girl enters my dreams to hurt me,I'm going to control it,and I'm leaving you all to find yourselves to talk about,because it's getting to much for me now,I've had enough pain in my life,and I realised it only comes from others around me in this self minded world we live in.

    2. US is disgusting. He couldn't resist demeaning the Russian ceremony. If anyone actually looked at it on Youtube, it was quite moving, whatever side you are on. Really. What a pig.

    3. USS warship Kearsarge was 30km from Nord Stream-1 pipeline and 50km from Nord Stream-2 pipeline and US helicopter call sign FFAB123 was flying along route of Nord Stream-2 pipeline before the explosions.

    4. Wow… sounds like Russia is trying to split the US & Europe up…by providing speculation. Always trying to sow chaos… same reason they get involved in other countries elections.

    5. Except for the Russian representative, how extraordinary capacity the "honorable" representatives have to say FREAKIN' NOTHING!!! And be as ambiguous as possible. COWARDS and slaves of the de facto owner of the world…the US.

    6. also , this is the childish logic of western leaders ;
      we will sanction you to teeth so that your people suffer greatly but its immoral and illegal of russia to stopp supllying us with cheap gas . not to mention that we are allwoed to steal billions of your funds and grain intened for famine stricken poor countries.

    7. Disgusting the UN should clearly state and declare it as an act of terrorism when most of the countries is facing and undergoing energy security because of useless and senseless war to maintain it's hegemony and power.

    8. The LORD of lords is coming back soon, He who died on a cross for the sins of the world, rose from the dead on the third day, and by His blood, if you repent and believe, you have full redemption of sins and eternal life!
      Therefore I say to you: Genuinely repent of your sins, turn from sins, and call on the Name of the LORD while the door of redemption is still open, because no sinner will be saved except through the only begotten Son of God; Yeshua Ha-Mashiach; Jesus the Christ! The Lord has the power to change your heart so you will love righteousness, and no longer sins, you just have to ask.
      Because the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through His only begotten Son! Though you broke the Law, Jesus paid the fine with His life's blood, so anyone, who repents and believes in Him in truth, will receive the Holy Spirit and resurrect to eternal life on the last day.

      For those with understanding: Matthew 24;40-41 will happen soon, this is the sixth seal!

      Woe to those who did not wash away their sins through the blood of the Lamb, because sin does not dwell in the kingdom of God!
      Woe to those who deny the Son, because the lake of fire cannot be extinguished by human hands!

    9. Please ! Gen .Sec. i would ask in the of GOD protect amhara genocide in wellega , ethiopia . In fact the constitution established on racism law .

    10. If you wana send the Detective Colaborations to infestigations, first you have to reconciliation with the other around the company, why have take actions after the actions, btw did you wana pay cash on the bill to get the next loan

    11. The British and US representatives are so deflective, accusatory, blame-shifting, and above all, puerile—“methinks thou doth protesteth too much.” Lying sociopaths react in this manner. I hope a balanced investigation will bring an end to this massive bullying and gaslight of truth.

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