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    1. I created this video over the past month before the Nord Stream pipeline came under attack via sabotage. Obviously, this is another massive development in this ongoing story, and it is all far from being over. That being said, if you want to view my ongoing coverage of this greater European conflict and Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine, you can watch the first 35-minute long coverage of the war that I produced here on Nebula:

      To my European, Ukrainian and German friends and viewers; stay safe, healthy, and vigilant this winter. I sincerely wish you all the best to get through this and I only wish I could do more to help.

    2. sorry, but lies corected…… russia stepped in ukraine because the USA did a coup etat in feb2014 and since then they killed people in east ukraine……….for 8 years…….

    3. Angela Merkel was a disaster. Shut down the nukes because of someone else’s poor designs. Administered blow jobs to Putin for gas. Opened the borders to anyone who showed up. Set the leftist example that still makes voters opt for the populist right. (Right wing populists don’t get elected because they’re any good; they get elected because people are sick and tired of wooly headed, spineless, pandering liberals.)

    4. shuting down those reactors mades me say hahaha you get whats comin to ya

      cleaning form of power on earth and you decided you'll eat rocks

      japan reactors were hit with a tide wave and then by a earthqurke , wasn't fully below ground like most reactors

    5. 25 minutes into the video I thought this was going to be about farts… sorry, I'm just an American. Farts is our national identity.

    6. Biggest war in europe since WWII?? You forgot the other NATO war in Yougoslavia… servia, kosovo……….. NATO bombed civilians…..NOBODY is arrested for that. but when russia rescue russians living in ukraine they are bad. Look at how many country(s USA invaded? Vietnam, laos, Cambodja, irak 20 years, afghanistan, iran, yemen, somalia, libia, syria, venezuela, colombia, dominican rep, virgin islands, haitti, costa rica, cuba….. oh i forgot EUrope and 2 atomic bombs on civiliance in JAPAN !!!!

    7. They should have just built new nuclear reactors modern thorium reactors are very safe and don't fail catastrophically

    8. A) I'm not sure energy has gone up ten times. I live in the UK, which has the highest energy prices in Europe and they have risen by at most, two and a half times.

      B) The highly industrialised Western European economies most affected, are also the richest. They can afford it – and will (in fact must) weather it. This goes most especially for Germany since, while it is not helpful to criticise their choices on where it sources much of its gas (although clearly in hindsight there is much to question, in terms of the wisdom of becoming so reliant on Russia), I do believe – in fact feel extremely strongly – that Germany should be doing far, far more for Ukraine. Germany's continued reticence to supply equipment to Ukraine and its recent mealy mouthed excuses over sending tanks, citing "training difficulties", is unforgiveable.

      All of the above however, does not alter one iota, the absolute moral imperative we all share – even if it means outrageous energy bills for the next 6-12 months and a lower standard of living due to national economies stricken by the disruption to energy supplies and to the other stared costs of the war – of quite simply putting up with it. If that means no Christmas presents, no big Christmas dinners, no Christmas minibreaks, no new outfits for the festive season, no new years eve binge drinking – you name it, we have to do it.

      We are already INCREDIBLY fortunate that Ukrainians are doing the vast majority of the heavy lifting in ridding the world of Russian tyranny – not just Putin but many of those dour old hard liners at the Kremlin, such that any successor to Putin may even be worse – which has been a festering wound for nearly three decades. The world has been doing its best to ignore – or at most ameliorate – what has been going on but really our collective response even to Putin's most egregious actions – not least invading Crimea – has been little more than tutting when we have read about it in the newspapers or seen it on TV. If we are really, really honest, we have barely registered the various scuffles Putin has involved Russia with – Georgia, Chechenya, Crimea etc etc – over the preceding 30 years. And if we are excoriatingly honest, we are also forced to admit that not only does the matter of thousands of people losing their lives and whole regions being uprooted not really interest us that much, but especially as we view it as local scraps in scruffy old central Asian places we've never heard of and where they talk and dress funny, have bad dentistry and aren't really known for much. Like it or not, we rank their distress lower than exactly the same events taking place in the USA, the UK, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Italy, the low countries, Spain and Portugal. While we are taking a thorough look at ourselves, let's even refine it by saying that even if such things were unfurling in Eastern Europe – Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo – even Slovokia and Hungary – or Mexico – we'd probably have viewed such events through a similar lens.

      Lest we forget, despite the "hardships", "inconveniences" and "minor irritations" I listed above as potential candidates for sacrificing this year, they are almost embarrassingly LITTLE compared to having Russian mortars exploding into to your apartment block followed by a visit from some enemy soldiers kicking in your door and not being very fussy about the Geneva Convention, murdering, torturing and raping at will. If Putin – and his like – were not stopped now, such problems would for sure having come knocking literally on Europe's door. If Putin had succeeded as he envisaged with Ukraine, you can be fairly sure Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia would have been candidates for Russia's unique brand of persuasion.

      Moreover, it would have sent all the wrong messages to China in its dealings with Taiwan and one has to say, that it seems not just that China will be thinking twice about any planned aggression towards its island neighbour, but that any ideas it ever had in that area, have been totally shelved, if not permanently (which is after all, too long a timescale to predict) then at least for a very long time to come, I would say certainly for at least a generation.

      In many ways we should be grateful that this has happened now, while it's still "over there" and that, moreover, Ukraine is doing such a damned fine job of systematically not just mullering the Russians – but also has truly drawn back the veil to reveal the full extent of the decrepitude, organisational and disciplinary failings and sheer amateurishness of the Russian Army of which the world had up til now, lived in dread. I agree, the nuclear question still remains but it is my considered, and firm, opinion, that if the Russians feel that a poorly equipped, barely trained, unruly, mutinous mob wielding rusty weapons and cardboard body armour constitutes an acceptable army, what on earth makes anyone feel that the personnel assigned to guard and maintain the nuclear arsenal, will have been any less lazy, inept, corrupt, under funded and chaotic than the conventional forces??? It would not surprise me in the least if Russia, despite its much vaunted 5000 weapons, does not have a single one that still works. They will have long been dismantled to sell off the componentry and plutonium to whichever dodgy buyers wants it as it is a well known fact that even top scientists in Russia – including those with jobs working for the State – are not well paid and even that presupposes they are paid at all which is by no means assured. It is highly likely, therefore, that otherwise honorable men and women, have HAD to resort to skulduggery simply to make ends meet. As for maintaining in pristine condition, with all systems regularly, and rigorously tested, with full maintenance records kept, an array of gleaming nukes – don't make me laugh. Most of the silos in which they're kept, will have rusted shut in the Eighties and any delicate circuitry – guidance, propellant systems and fuses/triggers etc – will have succumbed to damp and decay similarly decades ago.

      Russia has been (and been allowed to) lumbering around like a crotchety brown bear that's feasted on rotting fruit and, having passed out from the alcohol, awoke with a very sore head and feeling mightily ill – for far too long, not just holding the world to ransom, but LAUGHING at it too. Putin's been sniggering into his hand about what a pushover the West has been hitherto.

      No, that simply cannot be allowed to continue and I for one will cancel Christmas this year and next if necessary, drive less, forego a summer holiday next year, wear more layers in the house this winter and well eat less if it comes to it. It's still a bloody good deal compared to what we would have eventually had to face and in the light of the horrendous tribulations Ukraine is enduring. I hope every single person watching this video feels the same and if you didn't before reading this, hopefully you do now…… and pass it on to anyone that might otherwise complain and moan and groan…..

    9. Comparing a LNG-Terminal to the Elbphilharmonie or the BER-Airport isn't really fair. If economic pressure is behind a project like this, you can be certain that it is going to be completet in time. There are a whole lot of german construction projects that are finishing punctual, but because they are going well an aren't as prestigious or big as e.g. the BER, you've never heard of them.
      And yes, its verry realistic, that we will be hit by some form economic dowturn this, and probably the following year, but for most germans it will mean that we just can't go out, buy cars, fly abroad (for hollidays), get luxury goods, or heat our homes as much/often as we used to.
      Most likely ther will be a couple of bancruptsies and a higher Number of unemloyed people, but we have a social system, that will catch those workers and save them from poverty. I myself migt lose my job if the company, I currently work for, has to make cuts, but I am prepared for the eventuality an trust our System.
      So: "The fat years are over"
      But that does not mean, that the german economy will die horribly and there will be nothing we can do about it, because we are also still a part of the european community and we are all in this together, despite the bad energy related desicions our government made in the last decade.
      (You see: What counts as lobbying in germany ist considered corruption in most other counties)

      In conclusion: We have to stand tough and probably put on a jacket or two.

    10. All this "othering" of Russian's, who are Europeans, is a dosgusting, Nazi-esque tactic against a related nation state. Also, the downing of that airliner was most likely if not definitely a Ukrainian gaffe that they could easily push on the "rebels" who they were fighting. After Obama overthrew the pro russia gov and replaced it with the pro west one the issues seemed to all be Russian….and not the Ukrainian money laundering craphole administration.

    11. Trump had the answers, Biden's son is on the board of the corrupt gas companies, and he is a schister of global proportions. Cant believe he got elected (which he didnt)

    12. Nuclear is the cleanest form of energy don't let anyone tell you different, Russia is/was the largest supporter of green political movements in Germany because rellying on wind/solar means you rely on burning gas to fill the gaps in power supply.

    13. Great, Germany is gonna get gas from Qatari's.. the devils in Yemen.. awesome call EU. Fucked, hope the people dont suffer from their poor government decisions.

    14. I remember reading about the treaty of Versailles and how that only led to good things. So hopefully the germans face an apocalyptic recession and historic unemployment. Exciting times.

    15. A very contradictory video. In the beginning it is being claimed that it's all Russia fault. Towards the end you find out that Germany shot itself in the foot.

    16. Im amazed that Germany could hide this with all the talk about green energy……solar and wind……sounded like they were far ahead us in Sweden for example……now we know it was all a scam.

    17. President Trump warned them and they literally laughed in his face. They deserve what's coming to them. 100% of it. It's their own self destruction.

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