Putin has accused West of ‘explosions’ that caused Nord stream leaks. Pipeline leak has also sparked climate fears. Now, the question is who benefits from Nord stream ‘accident’.

    #russiaukraine #nordstream #worldnews

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    1. As an American citizen , it is so sad to hear Russia may choose to
      retaliate against us . Most citizens here only want to live in peace. We want no war with Putin. And do not have any control over what President Biden chooses to do. We are individuals who do not always agree with our own government.
      NO AGGRESSION WITH PUTIN , PLEASE! Let us all live in harmony together and enjoy our grandchildren , our holidays , our pets , etc…
      I have suffered a lifetime of illnesses , losses and hardships. And am ready for a happy retirement and look forward to world peace to all people and countries. πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ’•πŸ™‹

    2. WION has its head in the sand. Don't they know who did it? Everybody else does.
      Next, when the Baltic pipe is sabotaged, somebody will say Poland did it, and WION will swallow it?
      And yes, as many have noted, WION invited these lunatics on the show. This network is doomed.

    3. Glean talk sh.. Only USA get benefits because Biden family actuality his son sold USA oil 2 China but very cheaply but now oil from USA 2 Europe is 3 time more expensive -CIA talk long ago about north steam pipeline will b damaged no one listened so they felt disrespected so they did it by themselves 2 prove point and help Biden family get commissions selling expensive USA oil

    4. Are Europeans blind? Ignorant. It’s clear it’s USA or it’s more likely immigrant who cross the ocean to seek asylum to Europe from Africa may have done it instead of Russia.

    5. Those blaming Russia think logically
      If Russia bomb the pipe problem is how? The explosion happen in Europe control part with US plane and ship patrolling. There US helicopter just above the same place few days prior.

    6. WION Not question that your channel must interview
      the Russian to may sure that we listen both part without inclination or protecting one side against the other the world want know the truth,

    7. United States gain the most. Because this will put the region so far behind in energy they won’t be able to focus on progress in those countries suffering from this. I didn’t say US did this I’m just saying they gain the most from this

    8. there's not mysterious on nord stream attack, the mysterious could be the consequences of major impact of such stupid act, the war of word is only the beginning,

    9. Stop lying Esau of America if Russia destroyed its own pipeline then America killed its own people on September 11 in the twin tower attack!

    10. I think inflations is causing the current situation we already have now, imagine investing $.5000 and getting a return of $.31,500 bi weekly trading crypto,our leaders is not the solution to our problem cause they're the problem. you can't get rid of corruption in a system built on corruption. The best way to survive the current recession and hardship is to spend and invest wisely.

    11. The fact that Poland personally thanked the US for the sabotage should be more than enough but it seems that like all other, in your face evidence it will be ignored and talked over. Poland are currently politically disgraceful along with their allies.

    12. If we should believe that the RUSSIANS would sabotage their own oil production pipelines, then we should believe that the AMERICANS would blow up their own World Trade Center. Did they???

    13. OMG !! Com'on,, of course the American's did it – NATO controls those waters, they just finished navy drills there & there's maritime data showing the USS Kearsarge which didn't leave the area after the NATO war games, it stayed till Sept 20th & had it's helicopters manoeuvring & hovering over the exact explosions sites as they didn't turn off their identification beacons. Plus, the US President & Newland both said prior to the conflict, if Russia invades, there wont be a NS, we'll put an end to it. Not to mention NS was Russia's energy tool over Europe, as they've always said. Then you had Jens Stoltenberg crapping his pants straight after the attacks saying, if anyone attacks nato or western infrastructure we'll attack you. And it also makes Germany dependant on US energy supply plus there's no reason to negotiate with Russia anymore, they can't provide gas to them which means the German economy is destroyed by it and people will freeze this winter with no gas & Russia was already sanctioned.

      So of course the American's did it. Now they're the ones that will supply Germany and other parts of Europe with Gas at 10X the price. The reason it's not in media is because they don't have a feasible excuse to say definitively it was Putin, plus, if Russia & China attack, they can say it was unprovoked, giving them the perfect excuse to nuke Russia & China, but I think you might find, they may try that anyway & say they felt threatened which would give them the excuse for a preemptive strike against Russia and China

    14. iT WoZ tHE RusSIaNS THaT dID iT…….,anyone saying that is beyond stupid ….Biden and Nuland both said they'd "end" the Nordstream pipelines if Russia invaded Ukraine …..the USA had the Naval assets in the area doing a sea exercise and the area is totally controlled by NATO anyway ,..if it was the Russians who were responsible then why did Blinken say we don't know who did it ?…..if it was the Russians then he'd be shouting it from the rooftops and any NATO or EU country doesn't do anything without the USA's say so ……I think the German government were in on it too … this is a firm declaration of war on the German people and the rest of Europe by the WEF globalists psychopaths…….this is a terrorist attack by the USA and possibly with the UK's dirty hands in on it too…… I'm absolutely ashamed , disgusted and angry with my own governments (UK) in this war …Boris made Zelensky stop two peace deals with Russia, the West/WEF don't want peace , this is thier attempt at Russian regime change as Putin is in the way of thier evil intentions …..70,000 German people were protesting the day before demanding that the Nordstream 2 pipeline be opened up and supply them with gas ……the day before !
      Long live Putin and support from a British Army veteran πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί

    15. Considered this sabotage needs highly skilled, highly equipped personnel n or country to do it, it is none other than USA. No other country is as advanced as them right as they always like to boast about it. Lol now they got what they wished for

    16. How can a Russian plane, submarine, or ship enter the balti sea which is under the control of nato and is surrounded by EU countries.. Without being spotted..if it was Russia where is your proof. Because there is proof of an American plane being in the area at the time of the explosion.

    17. Ridiculous. Maybe there was no gas today but if a peace deal was reached overnight the gas would be flowing tomorrow. Russia have lost their most valuable bargaining chip. The US have weakened Russia and gained potential gas contracts.

    18. Why not look at satellite photos of the ship's that was in the area and find out why and what they was up to, you don't think Russia already has and know who's ship's was there, the truth is out there you just have to open your eyes and tell the people the truth.

    19. It's obvious USA did it. The whole world should sanction USA. They are running the world and in particular EU from over the water. To them it's just business, and feel nothing for EU lives. All of EU is falling for their game.

    20. Joe said he would stop the pipeline, now they have. Germany refused to turn Nord2 on. The Germans were thinking of turning it on, so the US had a naval exercise right there. America can bullshit all they like they did it.

    21. Of course WION does not render Mr. Biden'spromise/ threat that he'd put an end to Nordstream regardless that the pipeline was not under US sovereignty. Only US imperialist shills.

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