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    Into Europe: Europe is heading into its most difficult winter in a generation, with Russia having all but cut-off gas supplies to Europe, begs the question: can Europe survive the winter without gas?

    0:00 1- Introduction
    0:50 2- The current gas situation
    2:11 3- How much pain will Europe face?
    4:54 [Sponsored Segment]
    5:54 4- Solving Europe’s two problems for the winter
    8:38 5- What we still don’t know for this Winter

    Main sources:
    Europe’s Bleak Midwinter (Economist Intelligence Unit Report, 2022)
    Natural Gas in Europe, The Potential Impact of Disruptions to
    Supply (IMF, 2022)

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    1. Not just the cost of freedom but also the cost of the lack of foresight. The lack of diversity in our energy supply made us very dependent on Russia. The fact that the western European nations didn't listen to our eastern European neighbor concerning Russia is also a lesson to be learned.

    2. I have a 'stupid' question, that I think should be answered: It says in the video that "If natural gas becomes more expensive, the price for electricity produced with natural gas becomes more expensive. And since can be only a single price for electricity, all the other power plants sell their electricity at a higher price." The big question is … why can be only a single price for electricity? And besides that, why that price is the highest from the most expensive power plant? Why do a wind/eolian power plant is selling it's power at the highest price, even if it produces almost free energy? Is not that it is forbidden to sell cheaper… well here is the catch, and the lie that it is been sold to everybody. Why should a country (like UK) that has 50 % electricity from wind power kill it's economy and population by selling that free wind at the highest price to the population? Why do a country like Romana that has just 15% of electricity from Gas, has to pay for all it's electricity at the highest price of electricity produced from gas. It's insane. Thou is hard to answer, one answer can be , it's all deliberate . All the energy companies are controled by state, or anyway can't act on their own. And they are all together in this, a few comanies and states. I'm not a conspiracy guy but what are the answers?

    3. Our ancestors: We literally living in the ice age
      People nowadays: Help us it's getting a little chilly in the winter 😭😭

    4. The language is loaded. It's not "Russia cut gas supply", it's "Europe refused to pay for gas but kept demanding for it to be supplied". Not exactly the same thing.

    5. It isn't Russians who stopped gas exports to europe, Russia simply said i want to sell gas i rubles instead of dollars or euro.
      As you know US will NOT agree to this and europian peolpe have to pay for it.
      So unfortunate.

    6. "Russia's own recession is set to reduce the size of its economy by 10% next year according to leaked Russian documents" 🙂 I mean, dude, you can find this information in any public report of Russian ministry of economic development, it's not a secret.

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