1. Greetings – we are project resources co , India and are linked to a larger excavator for sale 322000 lbs load excavator – do you think, there is a scope of trade – 00919920184307

    2. So the end result are iron ore pellets that only contain 65% iron? Then these have to be transported to a steel refinery. Doesn't that mean that 35% of the pellet is wasted?

    3. I always had this problem with the unfinished explanation that waste your time , after it's 65 percent iron how you take out that impurity of 35 percent from the product ?

    4. Steel, iron ore, Masabi formation, EIS, mining permit, agreement, mine land reclamation, financial assurance, taconite, iron-bearing rock, 30% iron, 65 tons rock, processing plant, rock crusher, ball mill, magnetite, magnetism, tailings, stock pile, fine sand, concentrate, flotation, remove silica, vacuum, rolled with clay form balls heated, hard, cool, 65%, ore boats, ship, melt the product, Iron Mining Association of Minesota

    5. Great video, I learned a lot. I didn’t know how refined iron ore is until I saw this video. I’m proud to say that I was born in Marquette, Michigan. Marquette is in the Marquette Iron Range. In the Marquette Range, the two minerals are magnetite and hematite.

    6. Greetings dear person, please take a moment to read this important message:

      Dafa (or Falun Gong) is a spiritual cultivation practice for mind and
      body that is widely spreading in the world, it is based on the
      principles of the Universe:

      真 Truthfulness
      善 Compassion
      忍 Forbearance

      includes gentle exercises and meditation. It helped millions of people
      to regain health, peace of mind and obtain spiritual fulfilment. Since
      1999 this peaceful practice has been brutally persecuted by the CCP in
      Mainland China. People are being killed, tortured, put into labor camps
      and have organs harvested from live people, simply because of their
      belief. More than 100 million people around the world practice Falun

    7. Thank you, Minnesota Iron for the very informative video! Now I can look up what happens to the clay in a blast furnace lol I never encountered that before. Much obliged for the effort and information here!

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