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Russia wants to be a part of Nord Stream probe

Russia says they should be a part of the Nord Steam investigation. The country has been accused of causing a massive leak in the Baltic Sea. Swedish Defence Minister, Peter Hultqvist, joins Connect the World to discuss where the investigation stands.

#CNN #news


  1. yeah, putin blew up his only leverage over europe. anyone who believes that, i have a bridge for sale. biden promised and delivered for once, and only once. he said if they invade ukraine, he would stop the pipeline, and here we are. we did it, we are asking for nuclear war! cnn sucks!!!!!!!!!! #fakenews

  2. Didn't Biden say that if russia invaded ukraine, that the NORD pipeline would be destroyed? Hmmm but tell me again if russia ever said they would mess up their own economy even more

  3. We all know the only country who didnā€™t want, and that country is responsible for this war do you want me to name that country. USA USA USA. American policy never wanted any cheaper gas for Europe that is why they pushed Ukraine to the brink of war with a nuclear capable Russia.

  4. Can someone PLEASE explain WHY Russia would destroy its largest bargaining power with Europe. He had them dangling, now he has nothing to force his way. Are we being a little dumb here…just like before when everyone kept saying its Russian propaganda and disinformation This false narrative has been pushed before…Hmmm not again!!!

  5. Biden has all but admitted tht the US did it under a presidential covert op this way there is no accountability he may senile but he aint stupid he will be the reason this war escalates

  6. Thereā€™s a problem in the comments, and itā€™s everyone assuming Russia did it. Arenā€™t you aware it hurts Russia more than Europe? Their interest arenā€™t there. And I suspect most people here are either American or at least western and we supposedly believe in ā€œInnocent until proven guiltyā€ and all Iā€™m seeing is hang Russia comments.

  7. We all know how it will go when it's just a large gang of enemies investigating, oh I'm sure they can all be trusted to not lie or cheat in matters against what they see as their enemy. Very credible to do it without Russia. Lol

  8. "Russia wants to be a part of Nord Stream probe," of course they do! How else will they be able to control the narative. Where do you think Trump learned these techniques? In his KGB career, Putin polished his basic spy skills like how to recruit sources. Trump is a recruit.

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