Oil, gas and mining

Gravitas: Saudi Arabia hikes oil prices for US buyers | Latest English News | WION

Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil giant Aramco has decided to raise prices for the US market again. Molly Gambhir tells you more about the intensifying battle over oil supplies.

#saudiarabia #oilwar #US

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  1. This entire geopolitical circus is scripted drama. There cannot be any "great reset" or a "build back better" unless the current global economy is torn down first..!
    Pretty sick!

  2. Saudi is a OMO, a King,not democracy. Why US Biden very friendly to Saudis? But hate Putin and China ? Keep distance from democratic Bharat but supply F16 to terrorist home Pakistan? Is US really promoter and uphold democracy? Nope, all for power and money, not democracy. Its a whiteman.Big Ego. Dead Red Indians and Iraqis ,in millions, bear witness.

  3. Lets pay what ever arabia say for the stupid oil, then when ever they need something from United States we will remember,
    The arab are no good people, they don't like United States of America, they deal with us just for their convenience only, thats all.
    Just my opinion
    No one can eat dollars and drink oil
    Remember mbs

  4. 0:30 Wow, you're really uninformed, aren't you? 🤔

    The US literally is a net exporter of oil, in fact we export more to India/China (14% total) than we import from Saudi Arabia (5% total) & we only do that because we have the refinery's & they do not. Canada is our #1 oil importer at 51%. OPEC+ accounts for only 11% in total, again because we have the refineries.

    Saudi Arabia continues to exist despite it's more powerful enemies only because of the US. It's playing a game it cannot possibly win; we do not need them at all.

    India (12%) & China (26%) are going to get hammered by this, making up the top two importers of Saudi crude.

    The US pays about 20% less than Indians do for our gas despite making 900% more money on average, so please tell me again who's going to get hit the hardest? 🤪🤣🤫

  5. Well the US is on a campaign to go Green so their basically saying sell is discounted oil now so we can cut you off later and simultaneously there is a currency crisis and the dollar is strongest while others devalue so it makes sense to extract more buyers.

  6. So if we removed all of our military protection from Saudi Arabia we would in a sense be making Iran the defacto regional power in the Middle East. So we would be lifting sanctions on Venezuela and raising Iran back to power all in the same year. I wonder how their buddies in Israel feel about this brilliant idea.
    I'm sure the Iraqis will be thrilled to know that we'll have to abandon our bases there as well since there is no viable way to support them without the Saudi alliance. Let's not forget how happy Yemen will be as well.
    Wow this is heading south for the US and the West real fast without even a shot fired.

  7. Ending usage of oil as energy source is GOOD MOVE AS CLIMATE CHANGE RISES,.

  8. If we pay a little more and it helps Europe that will be fine especially rtn . A 20 gallon tank means $4 more to fill up . If that helps the energy crisis for Europe I can live with that no problem

  9. I am a US citizen. This is getting ridiculous that people have suffer higher gas prices. Sleepy and Rambling Joe must have said "increase" instead of "decrease" oil prices during his Saudi visit.

  10. I hope these ignorant comments will wake up to some reality. As the prices of oil goes up, US will start to increase interest rates even further. What happens when interest rates goes up? More money will leave the poorer countries and go back to US. The world will crumble and go into a major recession. All the poorer countries will suffer greatly especially those who cannot be self reliance and relies on importing of any goods, whether they be food, products, oil, etc. The only exception I see is India as more American companies starts investing there as a diversification away from China. India can claim to hate America, but their biggest investor will be the same country they claim to hate. You really think that if countries like US and China sneezes, other countries in the world doesn't catch a cold? China and their real estate bubble along with zero covid is going to kill them. They can't raise interest rates as they need to stimulate the economy.

  11. 😂😂this is so funny to me because they say we are the strongest but look at this smh 🤦🏾‍♂️ like we can’t produce our own oil.But know we print the money they are getting we are in a US currency Time 😂we just gave Ukraine what 40 billion maybe more 😂😂.i love the news tho

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