Oil, gas and mining

Can Europe work together on soaring energy prices? | Inside Story

Europe is running out of time to contain soaring natural gas prices.
Russia was the main provider until it invaded Ukraine.
Sanctions and disruptions to pipelines have dented supplies.
European Union leaders have failed to agree on a price cap ahead of winter.
Soaring energy bills and living costs have triggered widespread protests.
So what can leaders do to prevent a winter of discontent?

Presenter: Laura Kyle


Rebecca Christie – Non-resident Fellow, Bruegel

Max Lawson – Head of Oxfam International’s Inequality Policy programme

Ana Maria Jaller-Makarewicz – Energy Analyst, Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis

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  1. As a South African, there's nothing much you can do, get used to it and adapt and take responsibility for your own energy supply, insulate better, use less power and water is the main thing, stop the excessive consumption endemic to the global north , LEDs, grey water systems, rain water tanks, solar systems (obviously I'm aware we're blessed with far more sunshine) the developed nations like to point the finger, but due to our constraints we use far less energy and emit far less greenhouse gasses than the north. And where I am we can't rely on national government for reliable supply, this is leading to more personal awareness and private entrepreneurship starting to make a real impact, and luckily in Cape Town the local government is really on board and helpful, we suffer less rolling blackouts than the rest of our country, but streamlined systems, minimal red tape and government interference has allowed this. Stop relying on your governments to help you!

  2. USA is safe now.
    Only all other countries in the world , are suffering due to wrong policies of EU.
    Gas price hike is due to wrong policy of EU.
    Supply chain to EU was disrupted.

  3. I’m of <the opinion that those who leave it to market dynamics to determine when to trade or not are either new to the Market or are probably just naΓ―ve. The market has seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders are taking advantage of the dip and pumping even more towards trading sessions. My advice to new investors: More emphasis should be put into day trading as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 12 BTC when I started at 2 BTC in just 7 weeks of implementing trades with signals and insights from expert KENNET GIBBS.


  5. So sorry to hear many people have to put through this while their leaders have heated homes and offices and are so very comfortable there.

  6. so let me recap this here
    your governments get involved in something that doesn't involve them
    get put under pressure from the boss to impose self defeating sanctions
    then that same short sighted government is supposed to fox the mess they caused to themselves for one reason or another for the last 2 or 3 years?

    did i miss anything?

  7. It took Climate Change, the Covi 19 epidemic, Putin, and Ukraine war to wake us all up to reality. All our energy sources, now archaic and dangerous are life- sustaining in our economic hubs, with no real innovation in sight to get us all out of the vicious circle and abuses of great interest in governments, billionaires, profiteers and allied great banks, their ingenious strategies target us and blind us all do to our needs.Go back to Nicola Tesla 1983 electric plant technology for electricity without fossil fuel and co2 emissions or use of batteries, build them now, all around the EU, let's have free or cheap electricity now, we must leave profits behind to help the working classes survive. Build small plants in strategic areas, they will be cheaper than what you have.

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