In this video we’ll learn about what is Russia’s alternative to European energy market, what is Russia China natural gas pipeline all about.
    #geopolitics #russiachina #nordstream


    1. China will one day be getting its gas and oil switched off by the Russians and you will be blackmailed by Russia at some time in the future when they want to ruin your economy. They will threaten you with switching it off, if you do not stop your exports to Europe and USA. Europe and USA may stop buying China products if you get into bed fully with Russia like this. It might be their plan to set about your ruin. China needs independence from all other countries to be great not dependance on one, a criminal and murderer one at that. Russia is manipulating you and will grow like a cancer inside your country. The profits will be invested in weapons to kill your people in the future.

    2. U said so easily that global power centre will shift…. And who will care about US sanctions! Bro, US is not gonna be a spectator here…. That’s for sure. Such rapid de-dollarisation cud eventually lead to a world war. Anyways, India is bound to benefit here. All countries, especially USA, will try to attract India to their side. And Putin will be like…. u go on, I don’t need to do such things…..😂

    3. Wonder if this is a good analysis or wishful thinking.
      It will be a rocky path for europe.. but they will revover faster than russia.
      By the time this pipeline is ready eu will have other alternatives. During this time russia will be on a slim budget.
      China will invest in russia but for a very heavy fee.

    4. Many people commented that India should forget its issues with China and work together as soon as possible; the problem with this argument is, it is better to have an 'animosity' with China, because it will give India an opportunity to skip from western sanctions by purchasing technology and energy from Anti-Western nations (eg. Iran, Russia) by saying 'it is to counter China'.
      I am sure that when de-dollarization happens, India and China will move together. India may also join in BRI. But it will take time.
      Currently what India is doing is a right thing.

    5. ExxonMobil pulled there investment in the Sakhalin oil region Russia may not have the technology or man power to maintain production without them

    6. Why isn't Russia planning to supply gas to India via China? If they could onboard China it will be a much feasible option than via Af-Pak.

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