Following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, Germany continues its search for alternatives to Russian fossil fuels. On Friday the German chancellor met with his Spanish and Portuguese counterparts in Berlin, agreeing on the need to diversify, to shore up the continent’s energy supplies. But apart from trans-national pipelines, the Germans are looking far further afield than Europe for help.


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    1. Unlike PV this only works with direct sunlight, if they are clouds it won't work, it make sens to build them in a desert not in Germany.

    2. While concentrated solar works for chile, The environmental impact on places with birds might be a bit too much, but there is always venezuela and brazil which could use some development contracts for their oil refieries etc..

    3. It seems like some energy is lost when the sunlight bounces off the panels onto the focal point. Would it be possible to arrange 4 or so mirrors from a much, much higher point? I think of something like a magnifying glass, but instead of a giant lens, just using a handful of reflectors from above to reflect the light downwards. What if satellites were used instead? If the satellites stay on the daylight side of the planet, then one would only have to build that center structure and the satellites could adjust their focal point based on which country is experiencing daylight. That would also mean that different countries could share the same reflectors as they enter daylight which would save money and resources for the countries that share those satellites.

    4. Okay Chile has deserts, but does Germany have deserts? Or should they consult their neighboring allies to see who has low-population-density land to do solar? Do Germany need France's help?

      Generally speaking, from what I have learned online, Nuclear power is among the most ideal alternative energy–compared to solar and wind, but the ramp up time of building a nuclear power plant is considerable. So if they had to resort to solar for this winter energy shortage..that could mean that they don't think any of the nuclear energy options are feasible for this winter.

      I hope that Germans and others can properly bundle up this winter and stay warm hugs May have to refer to unusual folks for advice on the best kind of ways of staying warm. For example, Van Life folks on youtube have some pretty extreme needs for staying warm:

      – They learn to make the most of the tiny space of a van to heat it right, they pick very specific types of stoves and fireplaces that are very efficient (for small spaces). Germans may have to isolate particular rooms for warming up instead of trying to heat an entire mega-mansion. Also, operating a gas or wood fireplace for the first time in their lives means also learning new safety measures, like alarms if the ambient air become hazardous, or a fire alarm.

      – They also they pick very very specific types of beds and bedding. High performance anti-bacterial duvets that #1 stays cool when it's not too cold, stays very warm when it's very cold; that #2 will be used often but not washed often require special material. Some Van Life folks couldn't find duvets like that, so they had to pivot and find sleeping bags that meets those parameters. So be flexible here.

      – Designating a small room out of a big house as the singular place to spend a lot of time and staying warm means also heightened need to keeping the air fresh for that small room. So Van Life folks have special gadgets for ionizing the air. These are all techniques worth considering.

      So IMHO Germany has to do some quick research and ensure that their most vulnerable population are equipped with the right know-how and items before the winter arrives. They are gonna have to order on a scale never seen before, so they need to coordinate with manufacturers to ensure that manufacturing can fulfill this extraordinary large number of orders.

    5. Russia is Europe's energy security, Just like Middle East is the US' energy security. All these misadventures around world looking for energy is a wastage of time because getting energy to run several trillion dollars economy is not one plus one. Russia is not at war with Europe but with rogue elements in Ukraine that wants to divide Ukrainian people along tribal lines. Ethnic Ukrainian are the majority but ethnic Russians are also Ukrainians. How many tribes are there in many European countries? Why do western political engineers wants to separate Russians from Europe? Control. The western political engineers want to micromanage Europe from all aspects at the expense of European people like they have done in Africa for decades.

    6. Small Modular Nuclear Reactors! Will work even if the sun's rays do not penetrate the atmosphere for whatever reason! Whether it is nuclear winter or increased volcanic activity, it would not matter!

    7. Yes. Around half of the globe. Green project. Great.🤣👹🤣 Unless Germany becomes a desert. Then you can have the mirrors. And sun ☀️. And remember to order sunny days. Make a deal with God. 🤣🤣🤣

    8. These lovely tropical in Latin Central and South America ca explore alternative forms of energy like Solar energy because the Sun shines all year round. I commend Chile for its success in the heated Tacoma desert this is very educational.

    9. Hmm, not sure about hydrogen from Chile…
      Transport requires three times as many (special) ships than would be needed for oil or natural gas.
      The energy would be put to better use for their natural grid and export to neighboring countries I would think…

    10. America developed a similar project but the project was closed down as uneconomic, I think it was developed more as a storage facility of electricity. Maybe Chile will have better luck developing the concept. Really need to transmit electricity over thousands of miles with zero loss.

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