The White House is expected to announce a plan to tap into the nation’s emergency oil reserves, yet again, to ease increasing gas prices, according to a report from Bloomberg Business.

    #Oil #Biden #WhiteHouse

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    1. After losing so much to stock market, One best investment decision I ever made afterwards was investing in financial markets. Which has earned me $34,970 profit every 14days lately. Trust me guys it pays a lot.

    2. NewsNation I want to know why we can comment here on this clip but we can't comment on the Kanye clip. Like FOX News anytime there is anything racial in the content of the clip they shut down the comment section. Why even have a comment section? Remove completely. Now I'm going to go watch the Kanye Clip because it's F'n interesting and I like Chris Como.

    3. Yeah. Real strange. Just 2 days ago. Ukraine President asked Joe to drill and reserve our oil for them. So. This is crap. Its not about us. Watch and see. Joe is dirty.

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