The President is authorizing the release of 15 million barrels of oil from the nation’s emergency stockpile on Wednesday. ABC News’ Justin Finch reports.


    1. If democrats wanted to pass a bill to nullify Roe V Wade into law they had almost 50 years to do so before it became a larger issue, the democrats are useless.

    2. We all know it's political and if he lowers the prices, after elections they will go back up. What a joke the democats are!!!!

    3. What?
      He's selling our STRATEGIC OIL RESERVES at a DISCOUNT PRICE to freaking CHINA.
      We won't have fuel to fuel our military soon, and the pump price result is a tiny reduction. It's still TWICE the price it was under Trump.
      He's literally selling America to China, when all he has to do is UNDO all of the limits he put on OUR OWN DRILLING AND PIPELINES.

    4. Fuk joe shut down the keystone Pipeline, said it would take two years to finish anyhow. Two years later and we could really use the pipeline rite now instead of devastating our oil reserves.

    5. Biden created problems… the stocks were destroyed. The Ukraine-Russia and nuclear war. Inflation is at its highest level. Petroleum problems. The Democratic Party loves crises.Gas and its problems

    6. The idiot burns 15 mil of our emergency reserve in an attempt to buy mid term votes.
      America uses 20 mil a day.
      Another empty gesture.
      Is our border secure yet?
      next, biden will outlaw seamonsters in Lake Erie and take credit for there not being any.

    7. Krystine is clearly a real person because everyone tells what they make on a news channel. What did they breakdown Krystine? He is releasing 15 million barrels in December when we use 20 million a day in November.

    8. what a crappy administration we have now man can it get any worse why dont you punch a hole in the oil reserves get rid of it quicker all that liquid black gold that Big Daddy Teeeeeeeee put there in the first place. Lets Go Brandon!

    9. We all know it’s a strategic political move solely to benefit the Democrats with the midterms about to happen. Every move he and his administration make comes with consequences for US! Ridiculous.

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