Join Mike Maloney in today’s update featuring an update on the ‘Almost Everything Bubble’, as well as Mike’s latest thoughts on gold, silver and the US dollar – where are they headed?
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    1. Mike, can you do a video on some counter-points as to why commodity-based (or anything physical) monetary systems are not workable in a highly globalized world.

      How are balances settled between different countries? Do we keep sending gold bars on ships back and forth every 6 months? I think these are valid arguments that weren't as issue when economies were highly localized.
      One answer to this is we simply make book entries on each others' balance sheets (ledgers) and the gold never changes hands.. but this can only go on for so long as people may actually want to withdraw gold for their money… then what? Do we send a ship and the customer gets his gold 2 months later?

      Also, what happens when there is a need for expansion of credit and loans (like China did when entering the global markets) and they don't have any gold, how do we extend the needed credit when the commodity supply wouldn't allow for it?

      Just some questions I've had.

    2. I'm trying to imagine explaining to the neighbors why a Brinks truck was making a delivery to my house. Um, Amazon is leasing armored cars because they can't get parts to fix their vans? 😂

    3. I will forever be indebted to you you’ve changed my whole life I’ll continue to preach about your name for the world to hear you’ve saved me from a huge financial debt with just little investment thanks so much Mrs. Elsie Wright

    4. Even if Gold did back Fiat Currencies once again every Country's Financial Rulers would be continually playing with the Ratio of their Local Currency per Gold Measurement, that things would often still have periods of flux as they tried to get the upper hand with their major trading partners.

    5. When "push" comes to "shove" people tend to go down with a fight. I hope and pray, that our Society here, in the West, does not come down to that drastic action. However, we have options – opportunity and choice currently, to fend against bad economic conditions in purchasing Precious Metals. Do you own physical?

    6. When values of real estate "crash", it's not the same result of your stocks/bonds crashing. If your $1M in real estate is now worth $750K (25% drop), you still get the tax benefits, debt pay down, and the cash flow (softening that 25% to 5-10% loss depending or even still a + if you set it up right). When your $1M of stocks go to $750K, you're out 25%.

      Real Estate will win every time.

    7. I am Deuteronomy 18:18 this says EOHVAH the Creator of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, do not trust in your silver and gold, silver and gold and the Dow will go to 1999 levels. Prepare and observe Leviticus 23 on the lunar calendar. You have been warned

    8. I'd love to buy silver but the premium is ridiculous, not to mention a 21% tax on purchase as only gold is exempt from it. 1 ounce of silver is 18.92 EUR, best deal for 1oz coin in one of your competitors site is 40.29 EUR with free shipping., down to 30 if you buy in bulk. Does the US also has a similar tax on precious metals aside from gold?

    9. "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." -Ephesians 2: 8,9

    10. mike love your videos, however dont make out that doest bankers are stupid and dont know what they doing, they are greedy for power and with full knowledge of what it will lead to, they just hope it wont happen to them…. and hope that they lobbied policies will keep them safe from angry people…. bad news here, when s**t goes down then its survival of strongest WILD WEST! you dont have my money bicz??? baam bullet in your head. No court room, No where to hide anymore with one sided policies and lawyers

    11. believe in silver for the next decade since production goes down for years and demand will grow since “green Tech” solar, car batteries will increase.
      And currently silver price per ounce is near its production cost.
      It’s time to think about a buy and start a first position.
      If silver will go below production price it will start a piggie-cycle wich will shorten supply immensely, wich gives chances increases chances for a big Ralley ahead .

    12. What's coming is not covid or 2008.. Silver and gold will not be available at any price, even if it's your own sitting in some vault. It will be confiscated by the state for the common good of the people.

    13. All countries especially third world countries have been decimated by Covid, Incomes are down, and employment is down, and small businesses have gone under, and of course the scammers, and robbers come out in large numbers! I know this is not your topic of expertise, Mike, but these are the intended results of a nascent depopulation program. Next steps, oil shortages beget fertilizer shortages, beget less planting of crops, begets famine! Combine that with supply chain failures and capital formation decreases, and desperatoin will prevail among huge portions of people, maybe as much as 500 Million in famine or drastic food shortages.

    14. I will forever be indebted to you you've changed my whole life continue to preach about your name for the world to hear you've saved me from a huge financial debt with just little investment, thanks so much Mrs. Eleanor Dalton

    15. It’s nice that Mike is telling us to prepare ourself for that wicked storm but once it happens, what’s next? Will it take a while or will it be immediately that stores(if they survive) be taking precious metals, or will the government will start another new currency?

    16. Thank you for quality programming.< What you are describing here is accurate – the flight to safety to the US stock market and dollar. This is what is keeping the market going at this time and preventing a crash. This "melt UP" phase will go on for a while, then as the global economy crashes so will US markets only harder due to the "No Win scenario" that has been created by so much obscene debt. Next comes the "Default Phase" with mega-massive bankruptcies and lastly "Asset Seizures" where banks and the Fed government will simply declare an extreme national emergency to justify the crisis and debit your account directly. The fools will think that this could never happen. The actual legislation for this type of action is already in place. My advice to anyone feeling the heat in this inflation, just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 523k from day trading with Shirley Bagshaw in few weeks, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish..

    17. it is clear that silver and gold have controlled prices. Controlled using futures. Price controls. The only ones making money are these precious metals coin dealers who make money off the spread. For them it is best nothing happens, steady prices are great for them. They sell you a silver coin and buy it back from you for 40% less. That is why youtube is full with these dealers. Can you imagine a spread of 40%. With gold futures the spread is just 0.1$ and for silver futures 0.005$

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