Dave Kranzler: As Fed hikes rates, the gold flows east

    While the Federal Reserve is hiking interest rates and hedge funds are selling paper gold and silver, physical metal continues to flow to the east.

    We’ve seen this evidenced by the drain in the COMEX and London inventories, and in today’s call Dave Kranzler of Investment Research Dynamics talks about how far east buyers have been eagerly taking advantage of the lower prices.

    Dave also comments on the recent comments by Janet Yellen regarding a loss of liquidity in the US treasury market, and the Treasury’s potential plan to buy treasuries……with more treasuries. Which doesn’t seem like the most stable arrangement for the world’s supposedly safe-haven asset, yet nonetheless is one of the latest proposals being discussed.

    So to find out more about the latest currency and precious metals market news, click to watch the video now!

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    And remember to get outside and have some fun every once in a while!:)


    1. Explaining biweekly now is a great little ongoing joke. I thought it was funny the 2nd time Kranzler explained biweekly. Both of you are Top Notch in explaining what's going on in the markets! No joke there. Great work friends!

    2. People should come up with a better explanation why the price difference between paper and physical.
      If someone buying paper and selling physical at the same time, he/she must be making a killing ( with the premium so high). That’s a legitimate trade, eventually the price gaps should be narrower. Something else is happening!

    3. Keep sending the CFTC, those Ted Butler letters, every month! Remind those criminals that the current lawlessness won't last much longer, and when the Rule of Law is restored, we'll be coming for the CROOKS! 😤💥

    4. bi weekly can also mean twice a week, but bi monthly can mean every two months, but that's pretty rare to find. I think bi-monthly is the best way to say every two weeks, except: every two weeks.

    5. Yellen looks like she could be a playmate for Elmer fudd. She just needs a hat with earflaps and a shotgun on her shoulder. It is crazy that our country is being led by fools such as this. Beam me up Scotty!

    6. "… now offer another form of payment besides PayPal". Bahhhhh ha ha. Nicely done. I canceled my account last week too. Any reading these comments who hasn't done this – please do.

    7. The rich stays rich by spending like the poor and investing without stopping then the poor stays poor by spending like the rich yet not investiing like the rich

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