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    Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine started on Feb 24 Europe has been rushing to fill its GAS STORAGE Facilities. With Winter now around the corner FORECASTS have now been created to show How Europe will SURVIVE the Winter. In this video I provide a breakdown of those forecasts, look at the cost to Europe of ENERGY RELIEF SCHEMES and provide an update on the NORD STREAM Investigation. Finally I provide my view on the implications of the current situation for both Russia & the GLOBAL ECONOMY.

    For specific details please check out the CHAPTER list below.

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    0:00 Intro
    14:08 NORD STREAM



    1. LOL, Joe blogs spouts russia going bankru pt everyday for the last 6 months, still hasnt happened, meanwhile his country has had 3 political crises, in 3 months

    2. Our democratic countries should engage our children and loved one's in types of games, doing family chores and old fashioned things like learning to do preserve,s indoor gardening and more to keep up our wellbeing and to be able to get through some bad times coming and all of us getting by and doing it with love and respect that doesn't cost alot and make us all better people!!😊😊😊

    3. It's not Russia's invasion of Ukraine that caused the gas and energy problems. It's the stupid sanctions, the US and EU put on Russia. Have fun with the cold people protesting.

    4. Honestly, the price of natural gas is going to be the biggest change. Your chart shows the amount of gas used at much lower prices. If prices are almost double this year compared to last, that is going to have a significant reduction on demand all by itself. You aren't going to need ' reduce your thermostat by 1 degree to save Ukraine'…. people are going to be doing it just to save their pocketbook.

    5. Keep dreaming sir. Ukraine will fall to Russia and Russia will go its own
      way with China, India, Saudi Arabia and many others. The LNG that is
      being supplied by the US is coming at a huge price. So much for friends
      and virtue signaling. Perhaps the US shouldn't be so provocative next
      time and learn diplomacy before gambling with millions of lives for profit.

    6. I want to know why Ukraine hasn't sent special forces into Russia to take out every pipeline and oil rig??? With no oil money the war is over for Russia.

    7. I 'think' usually it is heated the whole house / apartment, and this time it will be only the main room, not all of the rooms, and should be with portable heaters instead of using central heating, and I know, Europeans are skillful, they will find the way to overcome this winter, they already did it for many centuries.

    8. Around the mid-1970's when OPEC first formed, the gas prices "went through the roof" for many folks. So, folks do what they need to do to find alternatives.

      We had two choices, insulation and wood-heating. I remember doing both. Even today I live in a northern state where wood heating is still very popular.

      Instead of gas dryers, clothes lines will become popular again.

      Just a side story, an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine offered folks a solar-dryer-kit at a bargain price of $35. Today that would be around $140. Well, someone I knew bought one of those $35 solar dryers. When it arrived his excitement quickly changed to buyer's remorse. The kit was 40ft of clothesline and a bunch of clothespins.

      Actually, this "energy crunch" will be the best thing that could happen to everyone. Every day, I watch trucks zoom by me at 70mph. The best mileage these tricks get 8mph. At speeds above 60mph fuel efficiency drops with increase speed. I remember various public advisory messages saying to keep the pressure of your car tires at recommended air pressure to get the best mph. Even newspapers published columns about the best energy tips. Carpooling became popular. Many companies reserved special parking for carpools.

      Watch what will happen to those households where energy prices (Europe) take a big bite out of the household budget.

      What exacerbates this problem is the more folks have to spend on energy the less they will have for other things that were a routine part of their life.

      So, a shift in consumer spending away from the usual routine will affect the general economy as well.

      To the readers of today this is all bad news. However, ten years from now we all will be better managers of the money we earn.

      PS: pain is a very good teacher.

    9. You can run a large ship on a small nuclear power plant……
      Small sounds like less of a danger in the event of an accident. You can imagine Small is cheaper to contain and provide emergency safety features.
      Small would also be more widely distributed, closer to the the biggest users requiring less distribution network.
      Small also sounds like it would be easier to remove and decommission when some other green alternative can be brought online.
      I would assume it would be impossible to implement quickly but if we have to get away from Russian Gas then maybe we should get off Gas everyway possible as quickly as possible.

    10. I was born in the 1950s and as a child, in winter there was ice on the window on the inside, at night we had to go to be with socks on and a big eiderdown, if go to cold we would put old coats on the bed and get up in the cold ,we had a coal fire in the living room and that was it ,no central heating, when we had to have a bath .We would get the tin bath from the back yard ,then fill it with a kettle of hot water, and this how me and my 7 brothers and one sister lived, I when through the worst winter in 1963 in the UK., so stop moaning about a cold winter , today's society is to soft, Dose anyone remember these times

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