Exports have skyrocketed for America’s LNG producers as demand soars, particularly from Europe. Last December, the US became the world’s biggest exporter of this super chilled fuel for the first time. But as the FT’s Justin Jacobs explains, not everyone’s happy about the expansion in output, and the effect it may have on the environment.

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    1. I used to think American (NATO) foreign policy was evil, (still do), but I always believed American foreign policy didn't reflect true American values. I'm wrestling with that and am currently undecided but getting close to changing my mind.

      In 1994 Tonya Harding (American figure skater) destroyed (broke her knee) Nancy Kerrigan because she couldn't win fairly. Was that an anomaly or is that how most Americans compete?
      That's exactly what America is doing with Russia, Europe, China, and virtually every small country they deal with. If America can't compete, it destroys.

      Everybody knows it and they silently support it. Remember when Pompeo bragged at a Texas A&M university that the CIA "we lie, we steal, we cheat,' ? Well that's not really news but what I found scary was how the entire audience laughed and applauded.

      Americans seem to support cheating and lying and destroying anyone who might succeed.

      Americans stopped their government in the Vietnam war. Why have Americans not stopped their government from the continuous regime change, invasions, sanctions, and proxy wars that kill and impoverish people every day?

      So either America is not a democracy or the majority of Americans are as evil as the CIA and their foreign policy.

      Master List of US Aggression
      By William Blum

      Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)

      China 1949 to early 1960s
      Albania 1949-53
      East Germany 1950s
      Iran 1953 *
      Guatemala 1954 *
      Costa Rica mid-1950s
      Syria 1956-7
      Egypt 1957
      Indonesia 1957-8
      British Guiana 1953-64 *
      Iraq 1963 *
      North Vietnam 1945-73
      Cambodia 1955-70 *
      Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
      Ecuador 1960-63 *
      Congo 1960 *
      France 1965
      Brazil 1962-64 *
      Dominican Republic 1963 *
      Cuba 1959 to present
      Bolivia 1964 *
      Indonesia 1965 *
      Ghana 1966 *
      Chile 1964-73 *
      Greece 1967 *
      Costa Rica 1970-71
      Bolivia 1971 *
      Australia 1973-75 *
      Angola 1975, 1980s
      Zaire 1975
      Portugal 1974-76 *
      Jamaica 1976-80 *
      Seychelles 1979-81
      Chad 1981-82 *
      Grenada 1983 *
      South Yemen 1982-84
      Suriname 1982-84
      Fiji 1987 *
      Libya 1980s
      Nicaragua 1981-90 *
      Panama 1989 *
      Bulgaria 1990 *
      Albania 1991 *
      Iraq 1991
      Afghanistan 1980s *
      Somalia 1993
      Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
      Ecuador 2000 *
      Afghanistan 2001 *
      Venezuela 2002 *
      Iraq 2003 *
      Haiti *2004
      Somalia 2007 to present
      Honduras 2009 *
      Libya 2011 *
      Syria 2012
      Ukraine 2014 *

      Interventions from 2014 to 2022 will be added. I am aware of at least 5 already

      Oh Yeah, Why does America need 863 military bases in 83 countries for "defense" the hypocrisy is mind boggling.

    2. Then President Trump warned Germany they were too dependent on Russia for gas back in 2018… They laughed, now they suffer… I do feel for the citizens tho, screwed over by their leaders.

    3. So the plan is working thanks to America's war with Russia. Hope this LNG feels good when the nuclear bombs start going off! Hope it'll be worth it to these greedy bastards.

    4. I would have liked to see a report on USA LNG medium term to long term European demand. Instead the report got lost talking about CO2 continuing a false narrative that CO2 in earth's atmosphere is the cause of global warming when that was shown to be a dead end back in the early t990s when it was reasonably estimated CO2 emissions from human activities as a weak greenhouse gas had raised earth's average temperatures 1/100°C. These reports have never been disqualified. The main reason for this is tropospheric water vapor is the cause of earth's greenhouse gas effect at over 99% of the active cause. Some place water vapor as low as 97% of the active greenhouse gas effect. This doesn't leave enough leverage for the other greenhouse gasses to actually be the cause of global warming as we know it at 1.1°C and serous research into global warming turned away from non condensing greenhouse gasses after the mid 1990s because of these well known conclusions.

      The International Panel on Climate Change in the late 1990s became obsessed with human caused CO2 emissions as the cause of global warming. The expectation is if the IPCC were actually going to find a mechanism for CO2 causing global warming it couldn't be CO2's greenhouse gas effect or CO2's conversion of high energy ultra violet radiation in the stratosphere to lower frequencies able to heat the earth's surface. It turned out IPCC only took their air samples at 20,000 meters way into the stratosphere where water vapor is near zero and not in the troposphere where the greenhouse gas effect takes place. IPCC is very transparent and up front they took air samples at 20,000 meters so anybody reading their conclusion will know it is only for that altitude. Carbon dioxide as science currently understands it can not be the cause of global warming as we know it and continuing to discuss it if it can is very contrary to science and harmful..

    5. Destroyed the German Russian pipeline n forcing Germany to buy it at exorbitant price. It’s a blackmail in the name of American democracy! So Germany is not facing a national security issue by relying on the American 100%! Lol

    6. "On the backs of us europeans!"

      Yes we have to pay for this result of the war presidency of Bidens.
      We in europe, you in the US.
      And out of the oil and nat gas industries in the US predictions on the comming prices, IN THE COMMING YEARS!!!
      Out of this we can see, that the Biden ad min, will keep the war in eastern europe and the war consequenses in both US as in europe, running, and load us consumers, for the years to come!!!

      Unless we the peoples, start to act FOR us, the people, then we are the ones that really going to be hurt.
      And we will be the suckers!

    7. Just for underpinning cardinal point! Time after time this totally dispicable ahols n beches *identify themselves as so-called environmentalist small vocal group truly fking off people's lives n tring to dictate how to live! WHAT the hell is wrong with using already available energy in our planet in responsible manner which the world is doing exception of China, Africa, and some Asian nations like India. US, EU all have been using very responsiblely, even more than necearrily like Biden refuses to drill, and Cannada Justin is playing like he is on top of the world *earth savior, LOL! Glad he lost huge revenue but sorry 4 most common sense minded Canadians, which is our neighbor to north!

    8. Wait till EU citizens start paying this winter. Watch strikes and chaos in their capitals. Macron just today mentioned about the high price US is charging.

    9. The activist was right but wrong. We will never run out of fossil fuel because if we try the biosphere will collapse before we get through half of the supply.
      The LNG guy is living in a fantasy where reality is irrelevant as long as as there’s money to be made

    10. And Europe are just a fool to feed the Beast that enslave them of their right to Govern themselves even straight to a Financial Crisis at the cost of its People.

    11. War is a big profit for usa never mind the civilian killed because these are not their people…next is china big profit is awaiting and the downfall of chinas economy.

    12. And this ladies and gentlemen, together with the arms sales making defense companies filthy rich, is what the “western support for democratic Ukraine” and NATO expansion has always been about.

    13. Europe never learns. They should have done diplomatic talk with russia instead of usa leading the talk. I am sure there could have been an uneasy solution.

    14. Amazing videos and thank you for breaking it down!! Despite the economic downturn, I’m so happy I have been earning $ 1,000 returns from my $10,000 investment every 21days.

    15. It was a good job that the US blew up the Nord stream pipeline. I'm sure Germany will not be wanting to do too many deals with the corrupt war mongering government. It's a shame the Financial Slime doesn't do proper journalism.

    16. The same reason why people are protesting the selling of natural gas outside the United States is the same reason why most of the people in the Midwest didn't want the pipeline financed by the government to be completed. The completion of the oil pipeline down the middle of America from Canada down to Louisiana would increase the price of gasoline and oil in half the regions of America. This is why it's sheer stupidity for the government to finance a pipeline that simply makes some people rich while raising the prices of most of the goods for most of the people in America. Anyone voting for those pipelines working for the government and supporting it is corrupt. At least half the proposed bills in Congress are simply money grabs that will lower the standard of living for the average consumer and will not make life easier.

    17. That is exactly why they blew up the Nord stream pipelines.
      America can only compete in international trade by "throttling" others through sanctions and subterfuge.
      A shame the EU was neutered a long time ago.

    18. I will forever be indebted to you Mr.s Nancy Grayston, you have changed my entire life. I will continue to preach on your name for the whole world to hear that you have saved me from a huge financial debt with just a small investment. Thank you very much, Nancy…….

    19. This is nuts, build a lot more nuclear plants, clean energy is the only way to go. Building processing plants in paths of hurricanes is about the dumbest thing I have heard.

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