This video of my Python Blockchain tutorial is about how to create a Web User Interface (UI) for the blockchain with Flask framework.

    About the series:
    This series is about creating a simple blockchain with Python. Each block is a JSON object saved in a file. We’ll talk about what is blockchain, how it works, how to implement one as a Python project, and how to create a Web user interface (UI) for it with Flask.

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    ============ SOURCE CODE ================
    📎️ The SOURCE CODE is available via Patreon:

    *** Web Scraping course ***
    is available via Patreon here:

    or its landing:

    ** Videos: **
    0. Demo of the project

    1. What is blockchain, and how a blockchain works

    2. Creating blocks and checking integrity of the blockchain

    3. Creating a Web UI with Flask

    This video is about how to build a simple blockchain using Python, or blockchain project tutorial


    1. Best series ever thank you so much for this. Absolutely amazing… Your an HTML god learned like 5 new tricks just from index.html lmfao

    2. Quick question: I am interested in your Patreon course with the CryptoMarketCap clone… is there somewhere we can see the demo for this project or the final product we will build in the course?

    3. I've watched many such tutorials and you are the first one to explain what the first 10 lines of code actually do. I immediately paused to like the video and write this comment

    4. Man… you're a monster! Thank you! Learned so much! Did so much! I just createad a full adaptation of this code for a supply chain!! Thanks again!

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