
Dan Houser and Blockchain Gaming? Well, I hope this quick video does it for now! I’ll be back with something a little more in-depth very soon. Nothing blockchain-related, don’t worry.


  1. i can't believe this is from the same person who wrote and lead one of the greatest single player games ever but i guess he wanna try something different. i kinda wished he would work on a different game 🙁

  2. People that do not move on to blockchain will be royally sorry, no one bothers doing research on these topics and are hoping they can wish it away, blockchains are taking over the markets, banking institutions will move to blockchain. you either take advantage of it or don't.

  3. I dont think that Dan Houser would even plan to do anything close to a GTA or Red Dead game… sometimes people just move on. He already did some incredible job… it's for the best to stop with the RDR2 master piece.
    Sad… but the best option i think.
    We don't know yet the real state of GTA 6, tho.

  4. Not only are NFTs a scam, but they're not even popular anymore lmao The whole NFT craze has been over for a long time now, and it's pretty much dead. It's hilarious seeing these companies still desperately trying to make this thing work lol

  5. I love how yall just were praising him as if he was the only reason the games turned out the way they did.

    The game was made by a TEAM, not the baby of just one dude. He was important but not the end all be all of the studio

  6. Goes to show not to put all faith in a dev company on one figure. It's ridiculous to assume Rockstar games are spearheaded by one man and not a group of talented heads running the company. This is one month old information but great to finally see it on YouTube.

  7. He couldn't have made GTA6 satirical enough it seems. The inevitable techbro jokes wouldn't have been strong enough if he had an editorial control lol.

  8. Why are you not uploading videos we don't see you a lot please talk about gta 6 and do not care about the Toxic teenagers that will say your are Click baiting I know you Youtubers don't like someone compares you with Mrboss those Toxic teenagers just following the Stream of eachother they got no style they just copying with eachother, I and a lot of people enjoy watching Rumours and leaks and speculation about gta or rockstar it's entertaining to me Instead of going to the Internet and search and read news about gta6 and wasting my time, I could play any of your videos and listen while playing or exercising, or walking and why your video is less then 5 minutes ohh man those Toxic teenagers Like the spreading plague f***ing +2005 born kids are annoying

  9. You listen to the satire in the GTA games and you'd assume that whoever wrote it would be against this sort of thing, but I guess not. Trendy cash grabs are apparently more lucrative now that real games that have soul.

  10. He has gotten old (and by that I meant, really really rich) and doesn't feel like making any real "absurd ventures in games" no more, but rather keep the flow of cash steady towards his account. We fans must accept it. It's also important to remember he was a writer, and honestly most GTA stories aren't particularly very good. GTA 4 and the RDR games are the exception there.

  11. This is exactly why I stay away from the “Rockstar has changed for worse”-bandwagon. Lots of people move on voluntarily and look for new challenges, others have to leave because of certain circumstances in their lives. Doesn’t mean there’s no veteran left or that newcomers don’t understand what makes a game a Rockstar game.

    We shall see with their next game(s), but I’m mostly confident.

  12. "Pull a Kojima"… you mean – lose his mind and start writing some schizo horseshit about ghosts made of antimatter? I certainly wouldn't want that for him.

  13. the man should retire from writing. he's earned it. if he wants to grift blockchain bullshit then that's his problem

  14. While I don't think this is the "Rockstar Truly Fell Off and Houser is the villain" type deal people are making it out to be, I don't agree with the creation or funding of NFT games, however it wouldn't surprise me if since leaving the writing space for a game dealing with mocking current social, political and economic climates, he has stopped looking into the news so honestly it wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't understand the blockchain entirely.

  15. Gamers:
    Can we have reasonable prices and actually interesting games that work on release and don't need to download from disk?
    Gaming companies:
    No but also here are NFT blockchain games!
    Here's the next best thing to VR Chat nobody will use!

  16. I though Absured Ventures in Videogames will stand for some experimental and original titles, kinda like AA games. Maybe I'm just being too positive but I still hope that his investment in this NFT crap is just a personal act and it's unrelated to his new company. 🤞

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