
ERC20 Token Tutorial | Create Your Own Cryptocurrency

In this ERC20 token tutorial you will learn how to create your own cryptocurrency as an ERC20 token on Ethereum. We cover all of the steps from development and testing to deployment. Topics covered include testing in the Remix editor, creating a project with Hardhat, token design, ERC20 smart contract development, smart contract testing and deployment to Ethereum.

Project repo on GitHub:

Ethereum ERC20 Standard:

Open Zeppelin ERC20 Documentation:

If you’ve created your own token, I’d love for you to send me some (if you want)!

My wallet address:


  1. Hey bro I have a quick question. This is my first crypto Im messing around with and am a total noob. When it comes to the Capped supply vs the Max Total Supply, I want to own 80% of the token and have 20% on the market. I put the cap amount at 10 mill and my amount to send the owner 8 mil. Does this mean there is only 8 mil in existence and 2 more mil can be minted…. Or does it mean that 2 mill can be bought and or minted? I need there to be a max supply of 10 mil and 2 mil of that is ready to be traded by the public, but etherscan is only showing 8.

    I know this is a crazy noob question, but I appreciate your time bro! Awesome tutorial!

  2. Great video, very informative. You were showing the ICHC token at the end of the vid, how much did it cost to implement, i.e. website costs, costs to deploy on mainnet etc?

  3. I got my token launched on Ethereum and added liquidity! Thank you so much.

    If you ever have time to make a video about how to verify your contract on etherscan to claim ownership (you know with the solidity code input and all that) that would be the best thing ever as Im struggling with it.

    Anyway, thanks again for the awesome tutorial!

  4. Hi Sir,

    1. Which is right "assert" or "assert.equal()"?

    2. when to use assert, expect?. Are they interchangeable?.

    3.How is owner connected to ethers.getSigners()?. How are we linking owner to the oceanToken contract?

    Thank you in advance.

  5. Hey man, I was just wondering if you could help me. I am trying to learn a few things about creating a token and I found this video really useful. I know you're probably a busy person but is it possible you can teach me a few things. I have a few enquiries regarding creating a crypto currency. Is here anyway of contacting you

  6. im getting an error with the npx hardhat compile Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read] {

    errno: -4068,

    code: 'EISDIR',

    syscall: 'read'

    Any one know what could it be?

  7. @Block Explorer , when running the test I am receiving a couple of errors. I have tried to set the max supply to 220mil and I've changed "Oceantoken" to my "Tyranttoken" but other then that I have not made any changes. If I revert back to the 100mil supply the errors still occur. If you get a chance to please… please take a look at the issue, I've uploaded a video with the error. I'm stuck lol.

    edit: I have not used chai before so not sure if there is something I need to install.n i

  8. is Rinkeby still viable, even though the website you displayed in here, no longer works & is no longer a metamask test network, is there another alternative, you'd recommend?

  9. In 43.32, why u r calling super._beforetokentrasnfer method… As per ur code, the actual concept to reward miner was done by overrided function.. But my doubt is why we need to call parent beforetokentransfer method in next line?

  10. Just one question, To deploy my token. Do I just have to pretty much drag my Token.sol file over to Remix and Compile/Deploy in Remix? I tried it on the Goerli Test network and it all seemed to work well I'm just trying to get over the finish line here. Thanks so much

  11. Please I’m getting this error any help
    “Before each” hook for “should set the right owner”:
    HardhatError; HH700: Artifact for contract “sunToken” not Found

  12. I am getting Error HH411: the library @openzeppelin/contracts, imported from contracts/…, is not installed. Try installing it using npm. Can you help me with this. I tried installing all versions but still throws this error when I compile

  13. Hey man, am getting this error 'aquaToken contract

    "before each" hook for "Should set the right owner":

    HardhatError: HH700: Artifact for contract "AquaToken" not found.' What might be the problem?

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