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    THE 2022 OIL CRISIS:
    On the most basic level, the United States uses almost 20 million barrels of oil, every single day…which, makes us the number-one consumer of oil in the world…but, there’s catch: since we only PRODUCE 18.6 MILLION barrels of oil per day…we’ve become reliant on OTHER COUNTRIES to fill that deficit.

    Now, this isn’t inherently a bad thing, because financial speaking, foreign oil is WAY CHEAPER than we pay to manufacture locally here in the United States – but, that means we’re subject to price volatility should there be any disruptions.

    In terms of how they intend to bring prices down:

    1. NOPEC
    This bill – if signed into law – would allow the United States the option to sue Opec – and its members – for fixing and manipulating the price of oil, similar to how they work to dissemble monopolies who gain too much control within a specific sector.

    However, the downside is that – it might be near impossible to enforce any decisions against a foreign nation, it’s heavily opposed by the US-Based Oil Companies – and, if they actually pursue this further – there could be serious consequences from other nations who could make the situation worse.

    15 million barrels are currently scheduled to be released in December. As they say: “The upcoming oil reserve release is aimed at ensuring there’s enough oil on the market to ensure gasoline prices don’t spike up.

    According to the US Energy Secretary, “the U.S. was working to identify at least 3 million barrels per day of new global oil supply, with assurances from several high-level oil and gas executives that their companies were set to dramatically increase investments and bring online new rigs.”

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    1. This is the worst administration in history. It’s self inflicted… by making America not energy independent anymore by fighting against fossil fuels and pushing a green agenda… this administration has deliberately caused inflation and the impending recession. Let their deliberate destruction of America be known by casting your ballot for the right candidates in this midterm.

    2. What you failed to say was if the US would go back to the energy policies in place during the Trump years then we would be energy independent still and all of these problems wouldn't be happening to begin with. ALL of the problems we've been experiencing since 2021 are a direct result of horrible policies being implemented by the current regime. Agree or not, but we were energy independent from around 2018 until after Biden started swiping his pen.

    3. Millennials should buy a Tesla that's interesting because most of the power plants in the United States are coal or gas-fired and since Congress is about to ban coal all together and gas is in short supply power grid won't be up either

    4. The Russian budget is set for 40 dollar oil price !! stop getting news from US medias and maybe start doing some researchs before talking BS

    5. The "oil crisis" in the US is INTENTIONAL due to the Democrats War on Oil. Its intentional and the Democrats do not give a s-hit if it destroys the economy. For those of you who disagree with me, just listen to what Biden, Kerry and the rest of those idiots are saying every day.

    6. There are over 5000 every day products derived from petroleum. Every package on the shelf at the store, has petroleum based materials in it. Insane Leftitsts do not understand that petroleum is essential in all aspects of the economy.

    7. SMH Sorry but wrong.
      Direct from refinery.
      25 days means only a 25 Day reserve.
      COVID lock down reduced productions
      COVID lock down removed people still working from home. Reduced productions more.
      Opened back up all the way. More demand than production.
      Refinery's have to catch back up to usage rate production.
      Plus Biden issued usage out of the reserves.
      Biden shut down Keystone Pipeline, and suspended drigging.
      You were told there would be consequences, so why the surprise.
      You wanted Biden over Trump, well reap what you sow.

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