#RafiFarber: Biggest Central Bank #Gold Buying in 55 Years Overshadowed by Paper Rut

    You wouldn’t know it from the paper price, but Q3 of 2022 saw the largest net gold buying by central banks since 1967, one year before the London Gold Pool blew up. Don’t worry though.

    That doesn’t mean their currencies will be stabilized, because they’re still printing money a lot faster than they’re buying gold. Just look at Turkey, which quintupled its gold reserves in 3 years and the Lira still died.

    Meanwhile, #silver is back in backwardation, and learn why the mid-tier miners are actually in a better position than the majors, because their capital expenditures are much smaller.

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    And remember to get outside and have some fun every once in a while!:)


    1. So the fed raised interest rates again with more probably coming, gold went down briefly, but now it's going up. It should be going down, something strange is going on. I wonder if demand is just going through the roof so the spot price is taking off?

    2. Love your straight Logic Rafi. Just the facts and you present them with such a great style. God Bless you my friend. People should understand paper gold is a fraud. Contracts are not Physical. Finally the Physical prices are kissing the paper good bye. Premiums?? Bull…they now will continue higher as the Comex price continues to be more and more irrelevant. If anyone can let me know where I can buy silver at market…Please Let me know. Please Please Please.

    3. Milk in aust. Has gone up this yr from 1 dollar au per litre of longlife milk to now 1.60… thats 60% in one yr.. not lookin good here.. meat and vegie are the same .. over 50%rises in fiat costs..

    4. Right on Rafi. 55 Fibonacci years +1967=? London market gold bust was in 1968 but remember we had the same situation in 2013 and the criminal banksters and BIS attacked the Oliguard Rooskies in Cyprus and also Volker monkey and criminal attacked paper gold.

    5. Rafi, can we do an episode on when we go back on a precious medal currency, what would the revaluation look like? IE likely not lowering the prices of everything… So metals will have to match the amount of money in circulation and in the DERIVATIVE MARKET?

      I am guessing Global Currency Supply (including Derivatives in Pensions, – Value Current Metals in market?

    6. It's amazing that a tiny portion 1%?of the world's population has caused this much physical damage. We are united. Keep stacking friends. They arnt running out of paper assets and raising premiums or spreads on the paper. I've cut back on other things just so I can keep my silver status. Putting it to them.

    7. If we start talking about the resolution of how things will be rebalanced, the metals manipulation conversation will go to ANOTHER LEVEL, and they wont be able to manipulate the conversation. Just some food for thought.

    8. Governments must currently know what the reset for gold will be, in order to balance their books going forward. I don't believe in a simple pivot like everyone is used to seeing. I see a reset on gold, agreement on international debts, period of time where countries secretly try to accumulate gold for the reset, stabilization of interest rate around 5%, choosing to help only major corporations, etc.

    9. Rome is our evil beast of the mark of the beast that will legislate worship and end up dead like many religio-political system government employees before them

      Daniel in the lions den did government legislate worship, yup did so, did Daniel die in the lions den nope, did the government die in the lions den, yup

      Daniel wouldn't worship the god king Darius

      Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, did they die in a firey furnace, nope did government employees die in a firey furnace yup did so

      They wouldn't worship a idol god in the form of a Nebuchadnezzar the king even if government gives a death decree to those that won't worship by their laws

      Mordecai and Hamen did the government die, yup did so

      Mordecai didn't worship Hamen as a god then got a death decree of him and all his blood line yet hamen and all his family were stuck like shicabobs on posts

      Now for the story that is repeating in our time

      Did Moses or Pharoah die when Pharoah allowed no day of rest for the Hebrews, Pharoah died and most his government in a sea

      God tends to kill the ones legislating worship via miracle so who is a man standing in the place of God and legeslates zues sun worship, and lives on a city with 7 hills and wears the sungod dagons fish head hat, shockingly its the pontiff that pontificates the pope

      Quebec just legislated worship a few months back, store owners must rest on the day of the Sun god, now how history unfolds would u join the Quebec government?

    10. Insurance companies contracting some now are not vested enough due to stock and bond market imploding… They have to stop doing business in select States…

    11. Its natural to see so many investors panic amid a worsening bearish market but it is also important to note that the market situation is nothing new in the crypto world.Several factors are driving negative sentiment in the stock and crypto markets right now including inflation, a shaky stock market, rising interest rates, and recession fears. As a result, bitcoin has dropped significantly from its all-time high, breaking below several key technical levels. As a crypto investor, the current situation might seem bleak. However, there are several tried and tested, expert-suggested investment strategies that can help you weather the current crypto storm. In 2 weeks of shorting and trading with signals directly from Shirley Bagshaw, I have been able to accumulate 11 btc despite the state of the market.

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