This is an entire hands-on course on building a fully functional cryptocurrency portfolio app with Python and Kivy.Get the course here:
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    1. bro hi ı have a question. How can do you multi "thread" . I did but doen't work. Can you show example from your code or Can you give some idea. by the way, I like your code style with figma.

    2. hey samuel have you seen this error. "cannot create graphics instruction outside the main kivy thread". I got an error in apk.

    3. I love your coding , I am from asia , i hope you creat a free cource for free , so poor people can enjoy your vedios .
      I can not buy your course , but i enjoy whatching your speed code .
      I am a beggener and i need to learn coding woth python and kivy app .
      Can u help me please , i am lost in youtube vedioes .
      Thank u for your work

    4. Great videos!, it would be awesome make videos from the beginning, how to structure the project and best practices for beginners. Best reagards!

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