Russia has now accused UK of being drawn too deep into the conflict in Ukraine. Russia’s ambassador to the United Kingdom has claimed that Britain has played a major role in the attack on its warships.

    #Russia #UK #nordstream

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    1. Proof it! As far as I know, neither Denmark nor Sweden let Russia even come close to the explosion sights. So far everything is under strict secrecy.

    2. I cannot believe the garbage the russians spew out, the stunted lunatic blames Ukraine for daring to be invaded, surely the people can see the insanity this modern day hitler is inflicting on them and the world, the photos i saw of the pipeline show the explosion was from inside the pipe blowing the metal outwards.

    3. 🇷🇺 seems to be the most civilized in this war evacuated civilians and all while western mercenaries and Zelensky's nazi militia used civilians as shields 1❤

    4. 😆 🤣, India has bought a lot of Russia military scrap, but on the bright side you get cheap Russia gas of your family or friends,, Remember what side you backed ( India 🇮🇳) when you are at war with CCP VIRUS CHINA 🇨🇳 ,, Don't come crying ! Your country is on the wrong side of history and make No mistake the killing and brutalising of the Ukrainians and destruction of their cities and towns isn't going to be forgotten !

    5. Honour in War was the way of Human existence. Then along came the British who won only by cowardice, lies, division and deceit because they were weak in strength and honour.

      They are the same today and ever more insecure of their place in this World…

    6. I believe it. The UK has been 1000% behind this war.
      They even sent Boris to convince Ukraine not to make peace with Russia in march.
      If ANYONE gets nuked, it should be the UK.

    7. "tender Russia's resignation from the club of civilized nations"..?
      so the American who blew 2 major cities in Japan, are in fact uncivilized..?
      and UK's destruction of Nord Stream and Black Sea Fleet are civilized ways..!?

    8. Most people definitely see the the hypocrisy of the west.
      Strength to Russia for exposing the hypocrisy of the west and liberate the Ukrainian people from their corrupt criminal government.

    9. Wion, you all know very well that Sweden and others investigated and refused to provide results.. and worse person to interview is Boris Johnson

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