Crypto has fallen off the back of the short term crypto news surrounding FTX and Binance. Cryptocurrency market is fragile right now, as it trades within the macroeconomic pressures of the world. It is important to note for crypto holders that cryptocurrency is an early stage technology, and while it is a painful bear market, crypto has been here before.

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    *Crypto Capital Venture does not guarantee or make any representations or claims to any particular amount of staking rewards that you will earn through delegating your Cardano. Any return that the protocol disburses to you is decided by the protocol. You are not investing your Cardano with Crypto Capital Venture. Delegating to a Crypto Capital Venture stake pool does not involve transferring or legally assigning the Cardano or the rights thereof. Crypto Capital Venture simply serves as a validator and provides community members a way to delegate to the Cardano Protocol consensus mechanism. All staking percentage rates and all rules and parameters are decided by the Cardano protocol.

    *The above video references an opinion and is for news/information and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice, financial advice, or any solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer that you buy or sell any cryptocurrency or securities. Trading in cryptocurrencies and securities is a high risk activity involving risk of loss so please seek a duly licensed professional for investment or financial advice. The information provided on this video should not be used to make any investment or financial decisions without consulting your financial or investment advisor. This video contains my opinion only and is not intended to cause harm or defame anyone or any entity.

    Crypto Capital Venture is big on tracking bitcoin market in particular. The general premise of technical analysis videos on Crypto Capital Venture is that although Bitcoin price price moves very in a very volatile way, there is much opportunity in being prepared for upside and downside. We also cover Bitcoin news on this channel as it comes out.

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    1. If you don't invest right now and wait for lower prices, you might end up frustrated that you not bought while there was blood in the street

    2. Thank you so much. You are so great with your analysis. Your charts and explanation is just phenomenal, so accurate. This is helping me a lot to bounce off. God Bless You

    3. You know what I like about listen to you? I make my own analysis then, I compare with your’s and both are mostly similars. Sometimes you put a lot of opium in the upper trend picture 😎😜( I enjoy it) but you are very much realistic at the down trend possibility. Keep the great job.

    4. You're showing yourself to be a very wise man, brother. No only in the crypto world but also in the Scriptures. Obviously, the Word of God is the source of all wisdom, and you're simply showing yourself to be a good student. 👍

    5. Thank you for being a realist driven by intelligent analysis that is not hindered by "hopium". We will keep holding on, the World (for the most part) is unaware that crypto is a given solution to the Globalist agenda. Don't bow the knee but use wisdom and insight to maximize the opportunities that exist with the current winds of change.

    6. You need to be careful comparing previous events. Crypro developed through a period of money printing, easy money and low interest rates. It has NOT been in this environment before. The comparison should be drawn to other highly speculative assets during recessions. The charts at this point have less value.

    7. Right now Btc and Eth are the only things I’d feel safe holding. After the sol dump I’m very pessimistic about alts until we go bull again.

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