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    πŸ“ΊEssential VideosπŸ“Ί

    Jerome Powell Full Press Conference πŸ‘‰ https://youtu.be/Uk5KPvGN7n0
    Previous Fed Conference Analysis πŸ‘‰ https://youtu.be/MieG4FELpe8
    Dollar Strength Explained πŸ‘‰ https://youtu.be/Bn9vFeguXfs
    Jerome Powell Testimony πŸ‘‰ https://youtu.be/K0mzZg1FAhs
    Housing Market Crash πŸ‘‰ https://youtu.be/8IuWVv26Dfw
    Recession Implications πŸ‘‰ https://youtu.be/Y8_OSG4wJ00
    China Takin Over Africa πŸ‘‰ https://youtu.be/XGImLADuq3w


    ⛓️ πŸ”— Useful Links πŸ”— ⛓️

    β–Ί Fed Press Conference Calendar: https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomccalendars.htm


    0:00 Intro
    0:42 Fed Recap And Updates
    4:13 Jerome’s Speech
    7:23 The Fed’s Plans
    10:08 Rate Hikes, Inflation
    12:59 Housing Market, Employment
    16:39 Yield Curve, Fiscal Policy
    19:53 Will Inflation Go Away?
    22:48 Outro


    πŸ“œ Disclaimer πŸ“œ

    The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome.

    #Fed #FOMC #Powell


    1. NB: I know that this video is a bit late, but I had to get a video out prior to this covering the FTX situation. You can watch that here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgJbWZpRWyo. I will also be covering it in my news tomorrow as well as in an update video. Finally, I will be doing a video on the impact that this is likely to have on FTX related coins. Irrespective, I do hope that you enjoy this video!

    2. These people are the same ones that said inflation was transitory. I have 0 trust in them based on that one statement alone. We all know the jist about them keeping the rich wealthy ect

    3. The debt market is the largest financial markets. The markets were flooded with low yield paper and governments that have been overspending. Who is going to buy crappy low yield government debt?

    4. Its natural to see so many investors panic worsening bearish market but it is also important to note that the market situation is nothing new in the crypto world.

    5. Every country with a privately owned central bank is a CUCK COUNTRY. We can only erase poverty and suffering when we erase this bs way of doing things.

    6. If there is some channel who i trust blindly..it's this channel..epic content and gives a sense of brotherhood… cheers team and guy ❀️

    7. The point that everyone is failing to make is: This is a currency problem not a rates problem. The debt market is insolvent & all markets are derivatives of the debt market. Why the US 10year yield looks more like an fibrillating EKG than a stable rhythm. Moving funds between central banks to fake liquidity cannot last forever. This definitely is NOT Putin's fault!! QE is!!!!

    8. Hi Guy & the team. I am worried about USDC and Circle as a whole. I have always liked Jeremy Allaire and used to use Cold Fusion to build websites a long time ago, however it bothers me that USDC is getting closer to the FED than one would like. Is it possible that the funds that back the USDC end up as the US CBDC? I am pretty sure that Blackrock is investing US Taxpayer funds in BTC under the direction of the FED. I have a sizable amount of funds in USDC & BUSD in cold storage at any given time.

    9. Appreciate the videos as always.
      Subtle ask — can you pull the under 200mhz audio frequencies down just a bit? Not sure if you're mixing on headphones and can't hear it but the audio comes out very muffled because the low frequencies are too high.

    10. It blows my mind that ppl simply do not just see that this is all a big scam. The fed is owned by the big banking families, who own congress, who own all the big companies, who are all busy with the big reset. Period. The fed is not here to help us, but to kill our SME's and push us into modern slavery.

    11. Let's hope that the power balance will exist soon. The west can't be trusted to be a custodian for the world. Trust the ememy and distrust your supposed friends /allies…
      The SBF debacle was the latest prove of that. πŸ˜‰


    13. If someone from the Coin Bureau team reads this, please tell the person who is in charge of the sound that

      for a few weeks the 's'/'z' sounds on the microphone have been distorted to a point that is difficult to concentrate on the content. It's not my headphones fault since the rest of Youtube channels sound fine for me. Since following guy's work is so important to keep myself well informed on the sector, I wouldn't want to get distracted by technical issues. Thanks.

    14. Interesting that you are selling the bottom. I take this as a buying opportunity – when the most bullish people in this industry are capitulating, that`s when the bottom is in – quote from Guy himself

    15. I love your super informative videos Guy. Thank you!! Any chance you could do a video on WAGMI GAMES? Looks like it could be one of the best projects out there.

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