FTX falling is tough for crypto holders to accept. The aftermath of the FTX failure will take time for cryptocurrency space to recover from. But there is an important message to crypto holders that contains a more macro and longterm context to it…these negative crypto news events are critical for the crypto space in order to grow and thrive in.

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    *Crypto Capital Venture does not guarantee or make any representations or claims to any particular amount of staking rewards that you will earn through delegating your Cardano. Any return that the protocol disburses to you is decided by the protocol. You are not investing your Cardano with Crypto Capital Venture. Delegating to a Crypto Capital Venture stake pool does not involve transferring or legally assigning the Cardano or the rights thereof. Crypto Capital Venture simply serves as a validator and provides community members a way to delegate to the Cardano Protocol consensus mechanism. All staking percentage rates and all rules and parameters are decided by the Cardano protocol.

    *The above video references an opinion and is for news/information and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice, financial advice, or any solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer that you buy or sell any cryptocurrency or securities. Trading in cryptocurrencies and securities is a high risk activity involving risk of loss so please seek a duly licensed professional for investment or financial advice. The information provided on this video should not be used to make any investment or financial decisions without consulting your financial or investment advisor. This video contains my opinion only and is not intended to cause harm or defame anyone or any entity.

    Crypto Capital Venture is big on tracking bitcoin market in particular. The general premise of technical analysis videos on Crypto Capital Venture is that although Bitcoin price price moves very in a very volatile way, there is much opportunity in being prepared for upside and downside. We also cover Bitcoin news on this channel as it comes out.

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    1. It seems like all of this is a combined effort to shake everyone out this market, you know the large money players did not like the "wall of money coming" narrative where the little guys in 1st… No no no, they want the little man out so they can buy it ALL and make the little man buy their bags. Hold steady, dont be the statistic… Gonna take time….

    2. This will be greatest comeback since Lazarus and everyone is moving into Cardano for safe passage in these turbulent waters. It is the Noah's Ark of Crypto 😍

    3. Thanks again Dan!
      I agree 💯, and will keep on cost averaging my buys. For me it is about what the future brings in this space.
      God bless you Dan!

    4. Crypto will not get through this by people wearing blindfolds. There needs to be conversations about the weaknesses of Ethereum. And deeper questions need to be asked about Binance, Tether and crypto moneymaking publishers.

    5. Imagine being one of the millions that lost money with Celsius or FTX and thinking yeah I'm going to invest again whatever es left of my life savings 😅 we are only losing trust and there will be s time when there's no one left to invest.

    6. The same thing happened with the internet. people said good things and said bad things ,but still it concured everyones lives. The same thing is going to happen with web3. its going to cause love and hate till its revelant to everyone in the future

    7. Okay, I get the yearning for finding something positive (Silver lining) in all of this. My only question is who else is a fraudster out there? Is crypto just a game of musical chairs? Tough luck for the multitude of retail investors that don't get a chair when the music stops? Like Bernie Madoff…SBF, Tae Kwon Do, and all these Fraudsters need to be dragged into court, tried and sentenced to Jail. Somebody needs to do some Jail Time with Bubba as his Jail mate. Otherwise some punk is going to do it again. Look…even Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos fame is going to do serious jail time.

    8. Totally agree, Dan, that these events flush out the sh*t so that quality can eventually trump. The bigger fight here, though, is to crush the plan of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset plan to bring about a world whereby we will own nothing and be happy. SBF, unfortunately, was deeply involved with them. He was used as a tool by them.

    9. We are definitely at the bottom range now. Dollar is starting to showing weakness and the FED is considering slowing down rate hikes. I believe we can start the timer for sideways action (2023) until the next having (2024) and then ultimately ATH @ end 2024 beginning of 2025. Is this the road map people?

    10. you know one day, youll be sitting at home with your kids reminiscing these days. You will show your kids the ENDLESS videos of your optimistic view on crypto and how it came to be a dominant player in the world. Cant wait for the future with crypto in it!

    11. "It's taking too lo-o-o-o-ng" some investors whined and moaned about Cardano late last year and early this year, as other fast moving, fast talking projects surged ahead. And now here we are. The fast movers/talkers are crashing and Cardano steadily marches on.

    12. I love coming here and hearing your perspective on the markets because I share very similar sentiments to you. A lot of these problems are long term good for the ecosystem as we grow and weed out potential problems.

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