

In this video, I go over what went wrong with the FTX exchange and what crypto exchanges if any I feel investors should look into for the foreseeable future.

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Looking for a secure hardware wallet to store your crypto?
Ledger Wallet:

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. This video is for entertainment purposes only.


  1. Like this comment if you’re happy with the exchange you’re using. Comment down below which exchange and/or cold wallet you’re using for your crypto and what your experience has been with it.

  2. Also if you do a lot of trading or buying coinbase is offering a 30 day free trial of coinbase one , zero fees!! And other things in the package. I think it's worth it to keep the membership.

  3. highly recommend getting a Ledger Nano S Plus. Best bang for your buck. Regular Nano S only allows you to store like 6 crypto applications. Ledger Nano X allows you to use bluetooth and IOS compatible but in all Nano S Plus is best.

  4. Excellent video as always! I have had good experiences with Binance USA and Coinbase. Of those two I like Coinbase better by quite a bit based mostly on the layout and how it is basic, fundamental and easy to understand, pleasing and easy on the eyes and brain, etc. I would avoid Bitmart. Question—If a person's FTX assets were on a cold based storage Nano are their assets still safe given that the entire exchange went belly up? I will get a Nano one of these days. Thanks much!

  5. Coinbase, Coinmetro and LCX. All are actually decent exchanges, and regulated. I use coinmetro strictly for KDA and FLUX. Kucoin for XDC, DAG, CSPR, etc…. D'cent wallet has been good and very easy to use! Need to get a ledger for ones that d'cent doesn't have yet.

  6. Is it not allowed write website link as a comment?
    I wrote a long comment for you about an exchange I use to get your thoughts but it seems it were automatically removed.

  7. I find it funny that everyone thinks all the other exchanges are going to go under just because FTX went belly up. There is a reason FTX shat the bed, its because the owner is a crook. Had FTX been run honestly it would still be one of the top exchanges. This is nothing new, we've seen it in the banking industry, big companies and all kinds of ponzy schemes. These other Exchanges are not going to become insolvent unless they are owned and ran by a crook like Sam Bankman Fried! As far as I know KuCoin is a great exchange.

  8. This is a warning to the entire crypto community, take your money out of the exchange platforms and store your crypto in a cold storage. Don't cry like babies and blame others once they start falling like dominos because it will be your only fault.

  9. Hey John, the day that FTX went under uphold locked all my funds. All my crypto is on up home and I cannot get to it. I cannot touch it maybe you can do a show on it but anyways, it sucks. No one that you can see your crypto, but you can’t withdraw because it’s frozen and they don’t tell you why

  10. Wait, you say that you are just now thinking about buying a hardware wallet, and you are lecturing us about how reliable the exchanges are?
    Why should anybody listen to an inexperienced person like you?

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