Why Crypto is a Scam But NOT Bitcoin

    The Cryptocurrency markets are melting down in the aftermath of FTX and Alameda declaring bankruptcy, taking down BlockFi, and damaging many other major players like Gemini, Genesis, Crypto.com, and more! There is a lot of confusion over the entire cryptocurrency space right now, with headlines asking all types of questions, such as “Is this all a scam?” or… “Is all of this a giant Ponzi scheme?” Should government regulators shut all this down to protect people?

    In some of my last videos, breaking down the FTX scam, many people have been saying “Bitcoin NOT Crypto”. What does that mean exactly?

    So in this video, I breakdown:

    🔥 Why I and many others are saying Bitcoin NOT Crypto
    🔥 What this really means
    🔥 Why there is a massive distinction between them
    🔥 How to understand this easily
    🔥 How to value and measure

    And of course how to protect yourself from falling into the next Crypto Scam and more, so let’s go!

    🔥Proof of Stake (PoS) Versus Proof of Work (PoW) w/ Jason Lowery – https://youtu.be/ikPnr23h7qg

    🔥Bitcoin development: – https://twitter.com/Toma_7_32/status/1593283742159757312

    🔥Dear Crypto & Fiat Bros – https://dergigi.com/2022/11/19/dear-crypto-fiat-bros/

    🔥 MARKET DISRUPTORS YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/@MarketDisruptors1

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    🔥 Don’t Worry About Taking Notes! You Can Get All My Slides and Resources!
    Link to Learn More — https://go.1markmoss.com/crypto-scam 🔥

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    1. Yeah, kinda half the story here. BTC will have its place hopefully, but to say all other crypto’s are DDOS attacks is just uninformed. ALL the new opportunities are in other crypto, not BTC. Tech always evolves and improves over time. Just ask China about the “rules” of Bitcoin.

    2. I’m one of those people Mark, I’m not sure exactly a Bitcoin is! Is it actually a commodity that is tangible like gold? So say I have two Coins that I keep in the market and two coins that I want to put in my safe at home because I want to look at it like my gold and because it makes me feel secure knowing I have that POWER to protect my coins because once it is in my possession I feel safer! Now I have the control of my own possessions if you will. Is that actually an option or not? Is a blockchain that is mined a tangible object or is it some code on your computer that because everyone thinks it exists,it does? Thanks for your time and simplifying things!

    3. See empire of the summer moon rise and fall of the comanches.
      Connect that to country of origin labeling of beef
      Then enforce anti trust laws on the books that arent enforced in that arena of life
      Set a precedent for breaking up tech monopolies and work toward currency hedges against inflation via real estate to avoid contagions

    4. BTC/btc is too complicated to achieve wide adoption and wide adoption is crucial for it to become a practical form of payment. Plus, the hodlers and whales control most of the bitcoin and they do not contribute to the velocity of it. Oh, and of course the government can make it illegal, which doesn't kill it, but makes it even more impractical to use without fear of penalty/jail.

    5. Hi Mark. Another good one. Never really been that interested in just how BTC works but somehow worked out that it was the only real thing out there.( maybe Qortas as well)??
      Thanks for the education. Brilliant!

    6. Bitcoin miners have "govermance" over bitcoin. If a miner(or consortium of miners) can get control over 50% of bitcoin mining, it or they can theoretically control bitcoin!

    7. I love your insights Mark, well thought out video!
      There are other alts who might stay if you spot them (being very decentralized as bitcoin is), but I agree the clean up will happen.
      Even though I cringed when watching this video since I'm a big advocate for crypto, I started thinkering about your viewpoints.
      And some of these viewpoints are very valid/solid if you think about them, but that's why you DYOR before you invest!
      I appreciate the work you put in making these video's Mark, I will continue to watch them and follow you

    8. Nobody own's BTC – Etherum is simply becoming just another traded cryptocurrency – taking miners out of the equasion means like the US money supply there are no limits on the amount. Mark, pointing out the Governance angle just enlightened me. I mined Etherum from 2017 until the final hours. What you've explained essentially shows the "scam" is everything crypto with the exception of BTC. BTW, I converted most of my earning to BTC as I accumplated and will finish that task before putting the Ledger in the safe;)

    9. Great information…this is why I think that Bitcoin might go sideways but believe the bottom is pretty much in…my hunch is people will continue to buy BTC because of the uncertainty in the alt coin market because of the FTX fiasco

    10. Wow! That opened up so much in my understanding. I own BTC and ETH. I considered ETH a more speculative bet than BTC, but I didn't fully understand why. I was going on what I heard from the more intelligent pundits and my study of blockchain technology. Now I understand and appreciate the difference. Thank you so, so much for this.

    11. How can you tell with 100% certainty that Satoshi N. didn't just mined a ton of bitcoin for himself, anonymously, when the Network was "young", at a cost so low that it would have been tantamount to issuing coins for himself, the creator? which is what you criticize other projects for doing

    12. This is great insight into cryptocurrencies! And thanks for the breakdown of Beyond beef! I knew there was something to be dubious about it!

    13. Good perspective here. I don’t agree that other cryptos besides Bitcoin are a “scam” though. They have different use cases like ETH (smart contracts) that people may or may not want to use. This is similar to the Dot Com boom where 99% of companies failed, but we had a few big winners (FANGS).

      So Bitcoin original and unique, yes, are there scams out there, yes, but does this make every other crypto a “scam”, no…

    14. You are so good at breaking down this stuff! I love how your mind works. and I admire your dedication. there's another guy I feel the same about- Charles Hoskinson. He is so smart. He breaks it all down for us and I love listening to him! I think it would be awesome if the two of you could have a conversation/discussion abt this stuff! 👍😎
      ..and one more thing– your eyes are SOOO beautiful! 😍💙

    15. ONE NEW MANkind

      Amazing observation Putin made: that people can actually live without the West and its USD….or fiat or CBCD…or IMF or world Bank.
      May I add: yes we can live without these YGL (young globalist leaders) trained by the WHO(of) and WEF as well…AND these self-appointed overlords and their fiat system.
      It starts with a mental change… see yourself eg as a new world money holder BRICSConian or bitcoinian…or whatever money system that brings LIFE or for that matter just a new creature…worldwide… easy, and biblical.
      Chrst set the example as this new creation. We should emulate that.

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