just announced their new social media platform Voice, which will run on the EOS blockchain. It shares a lot of similarity with Steemit. But will it be able to do what Steemit couldn’t?

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    1. Have you took a look at murmur it's a social media platform on eos it's basically voice just called murmur there's even a everything eos podcast about the murmur social media platform

    2. many people like to be anonymous, It's a great solution for a couple problems, but it creates many more ones. Everything you do on a social media shouldn't be logged on a blockchain or something using your ID. even if they create the best social media platform, you need users. Facebook has the best chance to transform and attract it lost users

    3. Voice will be huge when it comes out 🙂 … it's kinda funny how people think they want "privacy". If you're online, your privacy is already gone. If you have a smart phone, its gone also lol

      It's more not about privacy. 99% don't care about privacy. Voice is all about the value you bring to the internet and earning… Youtube makes billions off of everyones videos and they make peanuts.

    4. An incentive layer is always welcomed especially in the early days of adoption. Think Brave Browser. I can see how the voice token will incentivize early adopter content creators to both join the platform and help promote it. This token system could also be used for priority placement, tipping etc… With Atomic swaps etc… this token is as good as $. Younger audiences are starting to understand and adopt crypto as the future of money so a token base model may make sense in this new world.

    5. I agree with you, there are so many projects out there which have played music of earning with posting but no one of them is a success. Just a very small fraction of people is interested into earning on social media. Basically I think this is turning most of the people off, especially when they are spammed from others about it. There must be something else, more exciting for masses to be prepared to switch to new social media platform.

    6. So what you're saying is Blockchain social media idea is actually good but without the Cryptocurrency layer ?

    7. Valid points and perspectives Filip, I agree with most. Keep up the great work, and your videos keep getting better too!

    8. I disagree I think it would be very successful if it has a good reward system besides once is launched it would evolve to add more stuff like video streaming. I believe it's an open source project so I'm sure there prolly be a few social media platforms on eos. There is already a few social media platforms on eos like karma, murmur, sense, and dmail. These projects are new but are bridging new users to eos. Voice will do the same on a bigger scale.

    9. A blockchain based social media does not have to have a cryptocurrency attached. A pubic ledger is necessary in lieu of a central server, for at least SOME state and historical data for the network. Distributed FS and crypto are both features which can chosen, but the social network part only needs the public ledger to coordinate a relatively tiny amount of data.

      Separately, crypto is useful. Like all tools, we are brutish with their application at first. In time, crypto will be an asset. Current applications are hit and miss, greatly because creating any type of currency requires wisdom on the topic of monetary theory. Where the f*** do I find that??? Should I listen to the neo-Keynesians who never, ever see the next crash coming? Do I go back to Keynes, or perhaps I should listen to Friedman and the monetarists? Mises, Rothbard? We are generally confused about monetary theory, and every system adopts a flavor of monetary theory, whether they like it or not.

      Crypto may be the way we finally figure out whether Keynes was correct. We sure are generating a lot of data 😛

      Until then, we will continue to create crypto that is unfair by design or unstable or manipulable. If you think you've nailed Macro-Economics, and you're ready to embrace Keynes, Reagan or Ron Paul, good luck. If you create a social network that is tied to unwise crypto, it will make the environment unfair and exploitable.


    10. Anybody seen the netflix documentary hacked? basically how a company built profiles of most people in many countries through micro emotions in liked posts and changing their behavior subliminally to sway the votes of countries, brexit, trump. it was data that was reported as deleted but the fact is it still exists and it definitely still being used to target the subconscious minds of us consumers. a blockchain social media could be the encrypted freedom we need, were our data is secure from this extremely unethical manipulation and indoctrination.

    11. I agree with you 1000% when you say people like us are looking for a new and fun platform. No one uses Facebook. I’m actually working on a social experience platform that allows users to create, discover, and connect real time experiences within a 3 to 100 mile radius of their phones location. I would love to chat with you more and hear your thoughts. What’s a good way to contact you?

    12. A token/coin system could work if it was executed correctly, which means not just giving them out for free for liking posts and stuff general things like that, it should be in the hands of users. The main issue isn’t with the integration it’s that they focus too much on the block chain part and don’t focus on making a good new social media app, usually opting to just make a clone of an existing popular one

    13. Good point but how does a company monetize its social platform without advertisers and without a token valuation? What would be the business model of a decentralized social media platform ?

    14. Honestly I couldn't agree more with your views on that topic. I have joined several popular crypto-based dapps for social media and they are FULL of extremists, neo-nazi, conspiracists and other uneducated people. It's like concentrated evil media platforms. Yes, I do value my privacy but I also do value my sanity.

    15. It's got to be better than only being able to comment if youve got left wing ideas.. it's not free speech now!
      And too many leftie losers who are offended by everything.. Facebook Google Twitter and all the silicon valley company's will die once blockchain social networks start..

    16. Why Blockchain Social Media is a Bad Idea… because it might fail?
      not to mention that you lack understanding of blockchain tech.. cryptocurrencies and blockchain are not interchangeable, you can have decentralized social media on a blockchain with no cryptocurrency attached to it.. you can incentivize nodes through ad revenue, the users wouldn't be required to ever touch any cryptocurrency

    17. Its true, people just wanna hang with friends and not thinking about earning money. However, to be realistic, while privacy is important, App builders also need to think about how are they going to sustain the app if they can't monetise it and also, how to remove the criminal elements that are lurking in these very private social media. End of the day, some compromise must be reached.

    18. Blockchain social media = real freedom of speech

      Youtube/Google censors. Twitter even censored Trump (the opossition of their lobbist interest).

      The world needs a blockchain social media, hope someone creates it

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