Let’s look at a quick appraisal I did of a $10k gold bracelet purchased 30 years ago. What’s it worth today?


    1. Great information and critical perspective!

      I "stack" jewelry in the same way and for the same reasons as I stack constitutional silver, for possible barter and trade. That said, I only purchase at or below melt usually pennies on the dollar via yard sales, estate sales, 2nd hand stores etc. One good thing about jewelry is that it is not only super fractional when it comes to gold, but it is also fashionable, wearable and thus portable. I think it fits nicely into anyone's portfolio that is striving for diversification and of a preparedness mindset.

    2. I purchase chains and Pendants some with fractional 22 and 24k coins all second hand from my LCS It's put on a scale and priced at a % over melt . They are smelters and buy a lot of scrap over the counter especially around the holidays.. but Its not all scrap , some is exwives selling old gifts and the likes so ask Your LCS if you can look in the scrap gold bin to see what they may have in the back heading to a smelter

    3. Thanks Louie this was very interesting indeed . In one way I feel sad for this Gentleman , Having to pay a small fortune for Labor Gouging , but I would like to think that he Made his Wife Extremely Happy and therefore Gained Bigly in the long run and had a Wonderful Marrage with her. I Always look forward to your Videos Sir .

    4. How many people do you know that are knowledgeable jewelers? Honestly, I wouldn’t know a $500 necklace from a $10,000 one. However, I know what a 1 oz ASE is worth. I know what constitutional silver is worth. I could explain their value to anyone in two minutes. Jewelry will raise nothing but suspicion, and rightfully so. There’s more fake jewelry on the market right now than the real thing!

    5. I really like that intro tune. It is that 70's "Mat Helm" ,"James Bond kind of flow to it. Esp that little riff at the end eh. My Mary loved diamonds esp and could recite volumes about them. I did get her a really neat, odd shaped solitaire That was with a guarantee that could be returned within one year if there was a problem with stone or setting. That allowed me to have it checked out as many times as I wanted. It was always a stunning piece. All I know about these pieces is I know diddalie, squat about them but am a fair appraiser of silver. LOL. Stick with what you know and be prepared to pay for a trusted appraiser on things you know little about. I call it self preservation eh, LOL. Great to see you old friend. Give er hell for 22 bud.

    6. #1 Lesson in selling Jewelry… They pay you the Melt Value- ignoring the Stone, In my experience, yes even the diamonds 💎

    7. Around 2009 ish I was at my local LSC/ jeweler and as I was checking out his junk silver, he was pulling out old stock of jewelery and taking a pair of pliers and pulling diamonds and literally dropping them on the carpet and scrapping the gold. I asked about it and he told me that the diamonds have zero retail value and the only value was the gold.
      He told me that used jewelery he sticks in the cases and if they dont sell in a month or two, he scraps it.
      Worst investment on the planet.

    8. Generally in cultures where jewelery is used for stacking the jewelery is highly standardized , has a high purity, and is sold based mostly on weight. For example we got our wedding rings in Taiwan they are .995 gold and price was based weight plus premium.

    9. Here is an enlightening documentary film produced in 1994 called "Diamond Empire" by Frontline Productions. It basically says 94% of ALL the diamond mines on earth are owned & controlled by the Oppenheimer Family. (If you see the name DeBeers…. the Oppenheimers bought them out long ago)

      The Bottom line is that diamonds are worthless… but because the Family controls the supply & demand… they have created a form of currency independent of nations

      The worst part about this family is the last of ethics surrounding their monopoly

      Hay Lord Louie… if you dont hear from me in a while it's because I'm going in for a rather serious surgery & my recuperative phase may be substantial so Keep me in your Prayers

      Love you keep up the Great Work

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