This segment aired on 5 Live on November 30, 2022.


    1. More proof BITCOIN (Let me repeat BITCOIN, not any other coin) holds more value than your crappy worthless dollar. They CANNOT control bitcoin.

    2. Money is not real , they make us work for it , when in reality the ones who CREATE are the ones who Run the world . Because they MADE whatever EVERYONE wants , and they have it already , so what’s more to life ? They are the ones who control the world .. and they are following some kind of plan or given orders by the elite government .. this whole world is a lie , the ones who made it out first are the ones who rule the world .. we are being slaves still . Because they can just print the money whenever they want .. money is MEANT TO DIVIDE US , from classes , from poor to rich .. it’s a mind game ..

    3. Did Hillary Clinton have anything to do with the this, the story continues from the corrupt failed Democrat controlled Charcoal State of California!

    4. The problem with no regulation is it attracts some bad people whose industries aren't the most savory or forgiving. Gangsters and mafiosos don't really have much patience for lawsuits or government intervention.

    5. Kudos to you for running this story dont be surprised if you guys are suddenly found to have committed suicide with shots to the back of the head.
      And to anyone in Cypto get out the Ponzi schemes bubble has bursted

    6. Well the crypto market is in deep you know what…. I'm sure they cost someone a lot of money…… Makes you wonder why this doesn't happen more often I mean SBF and DO Kwon still around..

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