Vice president of analysis at Rystad Energy, Jorge Leon, joins ‘The Exchange’ to discuss the most likely outcome for OPEC meetings, oil and gas prices remaining elevated due to market disruption and OPEC’s response to the Russian oil price cap set by the EU.


    1. Makes no sense considering that you can't just pull up at a gas statin and demand to have it $1 per gallon. lol.

      The likely outcome is that EU has to buy oil from somewhere else at a premium while that somewhere else becomes the middlemen for Russian oil.

    2. CNBC IS BEYOND Bias & a " very possible loser to your Portfolio", as "Market/Watch" "CNBC" (TIED TOGTHER) Continues to bankrupt people who have followed their advice over the past few years. I'm an "Energy analyst", and it's a Shame how so many people have/had lost there're pension & future if you followed the advice offered by "MarketWatch" mostly from a Rep. at "M/W", " Saefong? who has been nothing other than wrong Consistently over the past few years & longer? You had to be $ smart in the Energy Market, However, if you had followed her M/W bias advice, or more accurately, "Her Gathering" of bias advice 😉 As she just uses & plucks the feathers of articles that fall into her pattern of misguided, antique & financially desperate 😉 Nothing original. Stay far away! We still see she; (Market/Watch) Continues on this $ losing platform.? (Be very aware Re. $ if you want to keep your home, or a growing bank account 😉 $ Anyway, Again, you would have been ruined financially if you had followed her, & "M/W", plucked & yearly ANTI Ground Energy, Oil & Gas Bias. Period. Cheers ")

    3. If there is such a wide range of uncertainty in the consequences of this price cap, it should not have been done. The EU might harm the EU or global economy more than Russia is harmed, and the effect on the war in Ukraine seems like it would be very limited.

    4. It is better to invest now. You will never be younger than you are today and there will never be a perfect time to invest. Due to compounding, which Einstein called the 8th wonder of the world, you can get rich slowly from investing if you do it from a young enough age. Big thanks to JOSEFTRADE

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