It has been a fierce race against time for European nations looking to fill up their gas storage ahead of winter.

    New deals were brokered, old gas facilities reopened, and measures to control consumption imposed — all in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Their efforts and a mild start to the winter have paid off: more than 95% of the EU’s gas storage was filled by mid-November. That’s above the 80% target the European Commission set back in March.

    That’s easing price pressures on consumers — but Europe’s energy crisis is far from over. In fact, energy experts tell CNBC it is next winter they are most worried about.

    #Energy #NaturalGas #LNG #RussiaUkraineWar



    CNBC International TV:





    1. Germany has Wind & Solar systems capable to provide 60% of total energy needed.
      But the current output is ~9% ever since they installed that $2T green system.

      Wanna know why it’s only 9% ?
      …. Because Germany is NEITHER windy nor sunny.
      Renewables are DECADES if not Centuries away from doing any potential work as Base Load power (aka the standard about of power that is ALWAYS on.) which Renewables are FICKLE.
      Along with that fact Lithium-Ion batteries are the ONLY rechargeable battery formula humanity has available.
      You know how your phone doesn’t hold a long charge after 2 years? That’s why Europe is F**KED.

    2. So what this program is telling us is that the EU are going to go back to the Stone Age and that way they will save the Planet you're telling me there plans I'm sure the eu's population have other ideas

    3. I dont know why american media promote energy disaster in Europe, maybe because the are the one who are profiting the most. By the way I live in Romania in the south of Transylvania. Electicity bill 8 euro, Gas 40 euro for the month of november. How much did you pay in US?

    4. From my view in the US, the Russians did not begin weaponizing the EU natural gas deliveries until after the US/EU sanctions against RU were put in place. The entire EU benefited greatly in the partnership to import Russian gas & oil over the decades, remaining competitive in global chemicals and manufacturing. Now that the EU has sworn off the lower cost Russian oil & gas pipeline supplied energy, and is shifting to LNG at 400% higher cost, how will the EU remain a competitor in the Global Market?

    5. You'll have to see Tolstoi's interview on French BFMTV… Tolstoi is the vice-president of the Douma, he promises Hell on Ukraine-backers' economies (all NATO, including EU, US, UK, CA, AU and JP), he promises Russia is ready for years of fight ahead and it's still in "special military operation", not yet "war". He reminds that "The West" is a minor part of the world population (up to 12%) and it's not that difficult to sink the system — I guess he means by shutting down all commodities sent there in exchange of worthless dollars.

      Because the Europeans went to "renewables" and deprived themselves from a reliable source of energy before having an actual alternative, they'll have to empoverish themselves and see the euro collapse, as well as all their industry, they'll see rising unemployment and splitting of EU (especially EC). BASF went to China, others are moving to US, most of them just go to… bankrupcy: no-one can afford aluminium or glass at that price, electricity has jumped tenfold already. Only tenfold so far.

      That's what Tolstoi is after: for him, the conflict in Ukraine is nearly won on the military side (Putin said it was won on the 24th of February), but Russia is not going for the Banderists any longer, Russia's going for their backers. Knowing the history of Sri Lanka and the Tamoul fighters (another US-led "fight-for-freedom" government overthrowing operation), it totally makes sense. Russia is after Western economies based on the commodities provided by the rest of the world. US won't send long-range weapons that could reach Anchorage (in a "return to sender" move), anyways.

      Putin signed a decree on the 3rd of May that cuts all trades to "unfriendly countries", I don't know what he's waiting for before he cuts the last cords, but it's coming… soon. It's easy to guess what's gonna happen when RosAtom, RosNeft and GazProm are "forced" to apply that decree… Canada will just become a satellite of what will be left of the USA to provide them the uranium — and ditch the French, who won't get anything any longer by Kazakhstan (it's RosAtom) or Niger (in an anti-French anticolonial war backed by… Russia).

      Merry Christmas?

    6. The only way EUs can survive is to put a price cap on US's LNG or the price will just shoot up 10 times from the current price in the up coming months.

    7. Europeans, stooges of the United States, itself a stooge of the Israelite International, must understand that they cannot have and eat their cooki at the same time.

    8. The west logic: "Its ok to impose sanction to Rusia , but Rusia should not retaliate with sanction. Rusia is wrong to attack Ukraine, but its ok to Nato move their power further to Rusia border".

    9. Energy sector: gas prices rise, people's bills massively increase, billions upon billions in profit made as people struggle to pay their energy bills, gas prices drop to pre-pandemic levels as they are right now, bills don't drop.
      Also energy sector: "we need bailout payments next winter as we're going to make a loss due to the energy price caps."

    10. Who needs to watch Game of Thrones if you can watch the EU freezing. Just wait for the long night. 🥶

    11. If only there wasn't a nation who left the EU. The UK market combined with the rest of Europe would of buffered out and helped everyone. Instead we chose the selfish route. Still, the euroskeptics needed to see their solutions were folly, at least to the majority of the country.

    12. The situation is very complicated indeed. Our crew recently filmed another big problem of this energy crisis. Europe Union is trying to push green energy, like biomass. While the EU says using pellets is sustainable, our team found some dark secrets about this energy source.

    13. Gas price 2x and factorie I work in a 4x gigantic gas heaters sit silent as diesel heater sits and pufs smoke. That is the power of the free market. If not diesel there will be coal, not coal peat, not peat warmer clothing. Solutions will come much faster than you can imagine.

    14. Even with the recent dip in Stock Market, I'm still happy with my portfolio of $87,420 built from my weekly trade 😊, I'm having my 4th withdrawal in 10business day 😊

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