How long can silver remain cheap? That was a question that Jeff Clark posed in a recent article that Mike Maloney wanted to explore further. As you’ll hear from Mike, there is a huge curveball out there waiting that is highly likely to change this game forever. Jeff’s article:
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    1. Silver will slowly move closer to its natural 17:1 gold ratio. BecUee silver actually has more utility than gold, is being produced at a lower ratio, and industrial demand is rising. Just my opinion. Last 20 years are worthless. Silver is now essential in technology

    2. My country alread banned retail use of gold, silver, platin 3 times in 200years. Under the soviet union the penalty was death. So im not sure if i get robbed from the goverment.

    3. The wise stay financially stable by spending less and investing more and the unwise remains poor by spending more and yet not investing like the wise once.

    4. Silver never really explodes in price. The only real increase was in 1980 when the hunt brothers took positions to drive it up to about $50/ounce. The Hunt brothers ended up bankrupt.

      In the 1960s you could by about 8 loaves of bread with one ounce of silver, in 2022 you can still buy about 8 loaves of bread with one ounce of silver.

      The other issue is the dollar collapses the store shelves will all go bare and PMs wont magically turn them into full shelves. The production & supply chains will be broken. Perhaps you can turn to the black market, but that will put you at risk of getting robbed or murdered.

      The smart investment is having the means to produce the basic resources you need on a homestead: Food, water, energy (wood/solar), so in a collapse you still have everything you need.

      If your looking to make money to start a homestead, consider trading both sides of market cycles will provide better returns on capital: When the Fed Prints buy stocks, when the Fed tightens, Sell and short the market. Perhaps you could do the same with PM paper investments, but stocks will have larger difference swings between cycles. The bigger the swing (delta between highs & lows the more profit you can extract per cycle). You don't have to buy in the low or sell at the top either. When the Fed pivots than pivot your positions, also keep an eye out for geopolitical events to shape your investment strategy.

      Overall I don't disagree with Mikes analyst when it comes to the macro economics. The industrialized world has a broken economic system loaded up with unsustainable debt, but you can take advantage of these problems to improve your own financial status. If it makes you sleep better, than store some physical PMs like an insurance policy, but I don't believe investing in PMs is the best long term investment strategy.

    5. The pressure is on isn't it? Can the banksters get the morons to accept digital fiat (CBDC) before all faith is lost in printed fiat? Silver is disappearing, but never underestimate the stupidity of Americans. Destroy one fiat, simply replace it with another. Problem solved if you're stupid.

    6. Since Most silver is produced as a byproduct of non-silver metals, the INCREMENTAL COST of producing silver must be extremely low??? 
      You must exclude: the cost of acquisition & development of the mine, the cost to drill and extract ore, the SG&A expenses etc. which are all the same regardless of whether there is any silver or not .
      So Is that the $19 you quote???

    7. decades, been calling for silver to go way up for ages
      Plus isn't there a market cap on silver and gold as they are used in producing thing and the market will only pay for much for them

    8. JPM has close to a billion oz in their vaults.
      They will control the price level for years more.
      Also, when the spot price hits 35-40 per Oz, many people will begin selling.
      The price will stay below 50 per OZ for the next decade.

    9. Buy more ammo now .They will be raising the taxes on it and i believe another shirtage will be coming…it's a good investment any one who owns fire arms understands this it's like gold and silver …..
      Silver and gold are great to protect your wealth but I believe in diversification I invest in several different things and one is land …I have land that has gone up many times what I paid 20 yrs ago
      I feel bad for.the young people today it's only going to get worse but if we have a financial crash you need to be prepared as we say in the boy scouts so extra food and pay down all your debt .

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