This is a huge Bitcoin emergency! Wow! Bitcoin is absolutely getting smashed for more then a year now! When is this going to end for Bitcoin finally? Well today we will look at the Bitcoin and crypto charts and find out!


    1. The emergency is that you can still lose all your assets but AWS44T is safe because of their guarantee for the remaining time of 2022

    2. If another crash comes with this emergency, this time I'm prepared. Got a solid stash of usdt I've been putting away for quite a while, might come in handy

    3. Lol glad I sold in November 2021, 500 @63k, sorry to tell you lot but I got someone else’s money, Ponzi scheme worked in my favour.

    4. IMO, BTC's biggest problem is that it is valued in dollars. I know how silly that sounds but because dollars can be produced in unlimited quantities and used by governments to buy vast quantities of BTC to be sold later to crash BTC's price we will always be at the mercy of the Fed. Much like how other currencies are victims of Fed printing, BTC is in essence just another global currency.

    5. 14660 it will go to then maybe 10200 i have been right since February 2022 i have been shorting it its called TA all i have learnt dont trst utubers trust ur TA

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