The crypto gold rush is going through another dip – but this time it’s gone so low it may not stop.
    Many digital currencies have seen their value reach zero.
    That’s knocked a lot of confidence out of the market, creating a domino effect reaching all the way to the top.
    The mother of them all, Bitcoin, is in trouble.
    Two major trading platforms have dropped it.
    As investors become increasingly nervous, more have been selling off their coins.
    What does that tell us about the future of the digital currency?

    Presenter: Sami Zeidan

    Aly-Khan Satchu, Investor and CEO at Rich Management.
    Naeem Aslam, Chief Market Analyst at AvaTrade.
    Brian Lucey, Professor of International Finance and Commodities at Trinity Business School.

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    1. Despite the dip in crypto, I still thank you for the level _headed financial advice. I started forex and crypto investment with $4,300 and since following you for few weeks now, I've gotten $30,700 in my portfolio. Thanks so much Expert Mrs Maria jones

    2. Transactions per second vs electricity needed per transaction is all the proof you need that people are lying about any crypto being able to replace money. Crypto is a tool for the rich to manipulate the masses and take their money. The few people who do win are providing free advertising and pumping for those rich people who have mass amounts of crypto waiting to sell. You have to let some little guys win in order to sell the scam. The amount of wealth lost by normal people is vast and trackable. Half of the total cryptos since they were invented have failed and are no longer trading at all. Crypto peak is gone permanently because the rich have already sucked up most of the money from the rest of us using it. Mathematics leads us to the truth not emotion.

    3. I'm new to crypto and I find it difficult using these strategies well. Where can I find a legit broker that will manage my account and also teach me how to trade?

    4. I would rather lose my hard money as capital investment in doing some business instead betting on some drunken horse with no regulations by the government.

    5. I will forever be indebted to you you’ve changed my whole life I’ll continue to preach about your name for the world to hear you’ve saved me from a huge financial debt with just little investment thanks so much Mrs. Annajn

    6. Incredibly insightful channel I will forever be indebted, you’ve helped me and my family a lot, your videos, advice and lessons are inspirational helpful to us, I now earn every week. You’re such a blessing to this generation, we all love you Mrs Maura my personal trader

    7. The time to get in is now. Bargain bin prices, I just can't pass that up. Put my pauper investment of 2K in. At the bottom of the barrel, you can only up to get out. Every economic boom was preceded by a bust. Crypto is the wild wild west and what you see on wallstreet happens in crypto, it just happens in faster swings. It is steroid wall street. Every good risk taker, knows when you take a risk, you take it when it costs the cheapest.

    8. If< you have been closely watching the crypto or even invested in it, chances are that you are wondering whether the latest bear cycle is over. The truth is that the market remains unpredictable especially in the long-term. Despite the heavy outflows, Bitcoin still managed to promptly recover, this recovery demonstrated Bitcoin’s strength despite being stress tested against highly volatile and unfavorable market conditions. Could this outcome be a sign that the market is ready for a bigger recovery? The obvious answers is yes despite how long it might take, it is very important to stay ahead of the market by trading with the right strategy. I have been trading with Ryan Donald strategy for up to year now I have been able to accumulate 25.7 btc with his signals.

    9. Almost a year ago bit coin was at $94k and now it is $32k and decreasing .Its tanking hard. Im not a hater but this seems very volatile to suddenly lose more then half its value. The only people who are making money are the genesis buyers and the already rich buyers . But i like to hear how this is all explained away.

    10. I sincerely appreciate the work you've done and the knowledge you share. Technical analysis can be helpful, but I think It is quite puzzling that well-known cryptocurrency YouTubers just pay attention to pure T.A and entirely ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC is inflating and why the outlook for the future is even more encouraging than it seems. Ignoring the reality that each ETF launch to this point has caused a sizable decline from BTC highs is somewhat dangerous. We were already in a perilous position and only survived a protracted bear market due to historically low volume and nearly whale pumps. Day trading should be given greater consideration because it is less affected by the market's situation. trading daily with Ericksen Bower I have earned over 9 BTC using his insights and charts. His insight has always been a step ahead of others.

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