The crypto bottom range is here – – in my view. I am now more than ever watching the data closely on the crypto charts as it applies to bitcoin cycles, btc halving, and maybe most importantly the stock market.

    🟩 Bitcoin 4 Year Cycle Prediction – This May Change Your Mind On BTC

    ⬇How To Stake Your Cardano In Minutes With Crypto Capital Venture!⬇
    Stake Your ADA With Ticker: CCV1 ➡

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    Crypto Capital Venture New – Cycles of Bitcoin –

    *Crypto Capital Venture does not guarantee or make any representations or claims to any particular amount of staking rewards that you will earn through delegating your Cardano. Any return that the protocol disburses to you is decided by the protocol. You are not investing your Cardano with Crypto Capital Venture. Delegating to a Crypto Capital Venture stake pool does not involve transferring or legally assigning the Cardano or the rights thereof. Crypto Capital Venture simply serves as a validator and provides community members a way to delegate to the Cardano Protocol consensus mechanism. All staking percentage rates and all rules and parameters are decided by the Cardano protocol.

    *The above video references an opinion and is for news/information and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice, financial advice, or any solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer that you buy or sell any cryptocurrency or securities. Trading in cryptocurrencies and securities is a high risk activity involving risk of loss so please seek a duly licensed professional for investment or financial advice. The information provided on this video should not be used to make any investment or financial decisions without consulting your financial or investment advisor. This video contains my opinion only and is not intended to cause harm or defame anyone or any entity.

    Crypto Capital Venture is big on tracking bitcoin market in particular. The general premise of technical analysis videos on Crypto Capital Venture is that although Bitcoin price price moves very in a very volatile way, there is much opportunity in being prepared for upside and downside. We also cover Bitcoin news on this channel as it comes out.

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    1. thats right guys keep following this deceiver who keeps misleading you out of your money …and Dan shame on you labeling yourself safe and a christian when you would do anything and sell people out for a buck

    2. Timewise is agree with you, we could hit bottom in the jan-apr 2023 period. But keep in mind we are still heading for the recession cliff. Most markets end their bear market with a huge dump AFTER the FED pivot. Yes the FED is slowing down the rate hikes, but a pivot is when they cut the rate. So if i calculate recession in the bottom might be slowed towards Q3/Q4 2023.

    3. I think alts can dump much more. Check Into the cryptoverse risk analysis chart.
      Either way, I think for long term holders, even a 0.5$ ADA is a good price. So from a risk management perspective, in my mind I feel better if I buy small amounts through the bear market so I don't miss out if my predictions don't come true.

      I'm waiting for either a 0.17$ ADA or a bull confirmation to enter heavily.

    4. psychology for dummies!!!!!how you can be ok if the money you invest go to zero.of course if you invest 15 $ then its not problem.if you say invest money you dont need it,its like the church they say money makes you not happy!!!!!!

    5. I bet more than 80-90% of these BS responses are bots bro. Keep doing what you're doing. Cryptos will save our future. Stay blessed

    6. I've said this in the bull market and I'll say it in the bear market as well…
      These guys wouldn't give two rats if we throw our money away in a casino but they seem super interested when it goes into crypto.

    7. Nice video As Usual💫* It’s hard living on just one source of income because as prices of goods increases the wage remains stable. Investing remains the best way to prepare for the unexpected and in improving one’s finances.

    8. The rebound will catch everyone off guard. No point trying to time it. Prices are already ridiculously low. Some Projects are down 90 percent. I’ll just DCA in now. No use waiting as I am long term investor. You may not get your perfect price even though it’s pretty terrible out there. I could be wrong though

    9. If you find it hard to make a big decision right now on these lows (ADA @ .25) then get out of ADA. You don’t have confidence in it, I’m out… ADS is going to be one of those alt coins that probably wont surpass its past ATH.

    10. Hmmm Dan is not sitting on the fence anymore. He’s now throwing in the possibility of crypto going to zero :). So infinity or zero then? Like this channel but it adds little value if the content creator is always sitting on the fence…

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