Bitcoin mining is expensive, loud, hot, and requires a bunch of work. Fraction Mining takes all of that and makes the process 100% hands-off and fully passive. Not only that, but they also make it profitable because they share the majority of the rewards with NFT holders. So if you are looking for the cheapest and easiest way to get into Bitcoin mining, watch this video.▼▼

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    1. I personally am thinking about making a token for only because my NFC road map promises to build a blockchain which is definitely going to be one of my main goals there's three of them getting a product on the shelves to establish our brand selling our nft collection and building the blockchain but I also had the thought that it might make sense to go ahead and just make a token so that it'll be worth something by the time a lot of this stuff is done so people who bought in early on might make some money I'm still working out the mechanics

    2. Wow, this is absolutely dog shit. ROI is awful, and ATH lasts a day and then drops off a cliff. You're pushing this because you've been paid to and not looking at it objectively for your followers.

    3. Pros:
      uses flared gas
      Low cost upfront
      No heat & noise
      Not your miner not your coin
      You have no control
      Most mining operations fail
      You have no physical asset to sell

    4. FYI gang, I got the NFT profitability calculation pretty wrong. My understanding was that the costs to run the machines was already factored in those rewards before giving the 10Th per NFT figure. They are NOT. To do that calculation properly, you'd need to account for those costs. Here is a calculator with those value entered into it:

      The power rate in that calculation is a bit higher than their actual rate, but maybe best to use a higher one just to be safe.

      This calculation changes the break-even time considerable at today's BTC price, however it's still miles ahead of buying the hardware and setting it up yourself. Those break-even times are even longer.

      So if you have a longer-term view of the price of Bitcoin, this project makes a lot of sense. If you want to break-even ASAP and get big returns now, it doesn't.

      This doesn't change my perspective though. I am still buying in and excited about it. Sorry everyone for the mixup and misunderstanding. I am not trying to mislead!

    5. I realize it's a small cost, but can you buy the $300 NFT before you pay for a membership? Otherwise one could buy the membership and the NFTs would sell out before acquiring one.

    6. I would strongly suggest people consider all the risks before jumping into something like this. You're basically funding someone else's bitcoin mining operation where you take all the risk and the team takes none. Plus Andy is likely getting $$ to get you to sign up, which I don't think he mentioned, so that's likely the reason for the hard sales pitch. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's just my take.

    7. Admin nightmare in trusting them to properly account, manage and distribute. Why do they need your $$? Just mine it. Also distributions squeeze the margins. Instead of 10 nfts just buy a t bill yielding over 4 or I bond at 7. No stress

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