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    1. Massive respect for Graham as well to know when to tap out and send his viewer to a more credible source of info. I wish MeetKevin would follow suit, as he continue to stretch himself too thin running HouseHack, his courses, and just constantly trying to start new project while pumping out his youtube video that serve more as a stock market reaction than actually containing any useful info.

      Keep up the good work my dude, never change.

    2. I strongly agree that a CPA has a great deal of “transparency” when it comes to the ability to translate the accounting and financial management code of 10K annual reports and other quantitative and qualitative metrics. Yes, geo-political and market trends are major factors in the decision making process for picking stocks, but if you understand how strong a company is in different dimensions (or areas) of exposure, then you can get a stronger understanding of how the company will respond to exposure in “geo-political” and “market trend” events.

    3. I can't tell if this video is serious or click bait. Graham sold some stocks for tax loss harvesting, but this video portrayed it as him giving up entirely. Lol.

    4. Graham Stephan – for a lack of more eloquent articulation – is a complete tool. He's a terrible investor not just in stocks but real estate. And if you listen to most of the financial advice he gives, it's equally as poor. I wouldn't compare him to Elon because as poor of character of a person as Elon is, he has still managed to pull-together the right folks to accomplish some pretty amazing stuff. Graham has can consistently pedaled ponzi-scam sponsorships to his audience, like nearly all YT finance gurus.

      A few small critiques – inferring confidence in your abilities to analyze stocks or the market as a whole because you are a CPA should not be confidence inducing to anyone familiar with the markets. I say this because as you said, it's CPA's putting together much of the financial statements and signing them, and as we know, companies default and declare bankruptcy all the time due to lack of or poor audits on those very financials by the big 4. Look at Enron, Lehman Bros, etc. It continues today.

      In terms of investments I always tell people – buy boring. Buy ETF's. If you extra money to play with, shoot for options. I always like the tech sector. I'm a former CPA and now current engineer working with one of the worlds largest banks and I can pull up every single trade made by every one of our clients and internal trade desks. The folks investing ETF's come out ahead the overwhelming majority of the time. Don't try to time the market unless there are blatant signs in front of your face.

    5. When did this channel become a speculative investing channel? You used to be my news source. Sad you’re just a crypto fool

    6. While I like the information given, this is purely on trying to time the market. Nobody knows when the next bull run is going to start.

    7. I don't think anyone should be selling their stocks while we are in the red unless the stocks are absolutely plummeting. Some people may be tax loss harvesting as well… 2023 is going to rock some folks, but I will be buying and reaping the benefits of volatility… once in a lifetime opportunity!

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