There’s a range of issues when it comes to dealing with Europe’s energy supplies. Will some of the solutions and emergency measures still be relevant next year? How effective is the EU gas cap? Can European industry find alternatives to power their factories once supplies run out? There’s much to discuss and to help us analyse it all I’m joined in the studio by my guest tonight Dorota Jeziorowska- Director of The Polish Association of Professional Combined Heat and Power Plants.


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    1. First, Europe and the manufacturers of other products, remove the obsolescence of every five years, heat ourselves with wood that is cheaper, as we did before, have a pig or a cow in the yard and be able to survive from eco-farming that one could do for oneself. itself in the meantime govern them establish new customers.

    2. The difference between Trump and Biden. Everybody said you couldn't talk to Trump. Hw would tslk at you but not with you. Biden you can talk to and he listens and responds. Thank you Joe.
      Slav Ukraine

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