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    I have impersonators all over social media pretending to be me, so they can get something they want from you whether thats your phone number for SIM Swaps, BTC or ETH for project reviews they cant offer or whatever. If I’m reaching out to you anywhere on the web, chances are HIGH that it’s not really me unless I live video verify via Zoom. I’ll say your name live, maybe even sing a song.

    Overall, I’m just here sharing what I learn, whether it be a cool crypto trading or crypto metrics tools and websites or just my latest understanding of something new, or old.

    Crow Your Coins


    1. Crow , I have been here with you since the beginning and in cardono since launch as well… I love you but ethereum has so much more built on top of it you can't just Compare the token Eth, but ALL Eth related tvl

    2. ADA to Flip ETH, damn right….
      Crow I don't understand why ADA isn't at least 10% of ETH crypto price right now… boggles my mind why ADA price is so low

    3. If I had to choose from either, my money would be and IS on Ada. Not Eth. Just me, you do you….in my opinion, Eth is being propped up and supported by just followers, not leaders. It is no 2 token, ok. It is more valuable, ok. (Are you sure) what IS value? I prefer more freedom and Ada gives me that, regarding staking. Stake on Eth? LMAO, not for me! You go ahead lock em up. On Ada I have security greater and more freedom. This is a NO BRAINER. Just because Eth was first, does not mean it will win, look at BlackBerry phones, now. Who knows, right. No maximilism here just clear thinking. You do you. Have fun.crypto is awesome!πŸ‘πŸ›ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ€”

    4. Suggestion. Take a look at Radix and compare with Cardano. I was a huge Cardano fan, but Radix will likely scale onchain with cross shard atomic composability. I said onchain, but technically it is not a blockchain. It is based on Cerberus. It also looks like it is easier to develop on.

    5. I got completely out of eth. Swapped into Cosmos ecosystem. Better fees, and I believe potential for upside is gr8er. I continue to stack ada at these prices.

    6. I'm celebrating a $15k crypto portfolio today. I started this journey with $4000 have invested on time and also with the right tearn now I have time for my family and the life ahead of me

    7. "media is loyal to the one that write the checks" ————- My dude you nailed it ! Reaffirms my position on ADA and why I keep DCA! Don't follow the herd people…do your own research period.

      You absolutely killed this entire 38 min video man. I blasted it on 2x speed and got every single bit of information that you put out. Thank you for what you do , reason I'm a subscriber man.

    8. I can't stand either one. Ether gas fees are insane. Cardano Daedalus wallet is slow and sucks. Cardano is way slower than other cryptos, several exchanges took over 30 minutes. Cardano is too slow and not viable for business. Load a Daedalus wallet from scratch and see how many days it takes, loading a whole block chain is outdated.

    9. I will not get my panties in a bunch over media misinformation aimed at Ada. Sure a lie told long enough becomes truth except when the exact opposite is always evident in and by our usage, which will not remain a secret!! Perhaps we got a few weeks, 25-75 of them, in this market but soon the flood doors swing open break off the hinges and blast off to the market value price. Ada is a hoover dam of innovation, the market is already left behind in crypto dust. We stack till we puke and then stack some more. If there ever was a sure thing in investments I think Cardano is as close as we get. Plus whatever you get for staking it will do a whatever x then too!!

    10. In fairness, github commits is a pretty meaningless metric. One commit could contain a single line syntax change with no functional difference, or a complete set of new code utilities. Both would be one commit

    11. To be fair, you can't compare Cardano's performance with other bloclchains using TPS because Cardano is doing many transaction per transactions. Hydra will make it even faster

    12. To obtain financial freedom, one must either be a business owner, an investor or both, generating passive income, particularly on a weekly and monthly basis. That's the key to living a financially stable life. This trick has never failed. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life and put this basis to work and practice. Jessica Darrell have been a great manager, mentor and guide. Her support and advice have helped shaped my crypto trading career.

    13. Great video!! Thanks for breaking it down !!. These past few days watching my crypto portfolio decline is very disheartening.. Holding doesn't really profit much. Any ideas on how to earn better on the short run?

    14. In spite of the fluctuation in crypto, I still thank you for the level-headed financial advice. I started crypto investment with $4,345 and since following you for few weeks now, I’ve gotten $18,539 in my portfolio

      Thanks so much Mrs. Katherine Stewart

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