A controversial bill proposed by the Egyptian government to amend the Suez Canal Authority Law and establish a “reinvestment” fund that allows, at least in part, the leasing and selling of the canal’s assets is sparking fear over the country’s sovereignty over its waterways.

    In response, the head of the Suez Canal Authority, Osama Rabie, said on Thursday that the Suez Canal was “not for sale” and that the fund under discussion was designed to guard the canal’s resources for reinvestment and to help it face unexpected challenges.

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    1. Never give up your sovereignty. Take the example of my country for violating this principle. Our working class are enslaved to foreigners just as our Founders warned. Please read President George Washington's Farewell Address from the year 1796.

    2. Not only in Egypt, in Indonesia we will build new capital , but new bill allowed the government to lease new capital to foreigner

    3. I don't understand why must the Egyptian government introduce a new bill to fund improvements of the canal?

      Say you own a successful profitable business: Why would you need a separate bank account and separate financial ledgers and separate rules and seperate management to fund and conduct the improvement and maintenance of your business?

      Surely, once a business case for the improvement has been established, annual funding of such improvement comes straight from the business revenue and get incorporated in the business profit and expenditure annual report……………….

      Sorry………..This has a smell of high level corruption

      i feel sorry for the Egyptian people

    4. Israel is working to control Suez canal in exchange for some dollars and aid. Step by step until they reach their ambitions to weaken Egypt. Be careful.

    5. عن أبي أمامة بن ثعلبة رضي الله عنه: ذكر أصحاب رسول الله حياة الدنيا قبله ، فقال: ألا تسمع؟ ألا تسمع؟ البساطة (في الحياة) جزء من الإيمان ، والبساطة جزء من الإيمان ".

    6. Salam…
       When I started sharing my dreams, I put my hope and trust only in Allahﷻ.  I have faith that only Allahﷻ can help me and turn my dreams into reality.  Before I shared my dream, I had never heard or read any hadith about Al-Mahdi, and then people told me that your dream is like the duty of Al-Mahdi.

      👉Find more about these important dreams of Muhammad Qasim. The end time is very near.

    7. I know one thing…. And it's true and mostly right and pure law …. That only one Sharia law …. Best in the world …. And it's true …. Keep trying all muslim government…. And even after reading it, the criminals are also afraid of committing a crime.

    8. So in other words the Egyptian government wants to pass a bill to sell parts of Egypt to other states like Israel and so on for money. That's the biggest form of betrayal ever this year. That's probably just as bad if not worse than when Ashraf Ghani buckled to the Taliban and just let them take over Afghanistan.

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